American Corner Innsbruck

    4th eLibrary USA Workshop with a Special Focus on Earth Day

    Thursday, April 3, 6pm
    American Corner Innsbruck

    Once again, John D’Amicantonio from the U.S. Embassy Vienna came to Innsbruck to introduce a group of interested students from the University of Innsbruck to eLibrary USA, which gives visitors of Information Resource Centers, American Corners, and other American Spaces around the world access to information that Americans find at their public libraries on a broad range of topics concerning learning English, American history and culture, health, business, and more.

    This time, the workshop had a special focus on Earth Day, which is coming up on April 22. Not only did the participants get familiar with eLibrary USA databases such as GreenFILE and GREENR, which offer up-to-date information environmental sciences, they also gained some insights into the historical background of Earth Day in the United States and learnt how to use and search these databases most effectively. 

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