
The volume documents the proceedings of a conference on Regionalism(s) that took place in Innsbruck in November 2013 and was jointly organized by the five Centers for Area Studies at the University of Innsbruck. As the title indicates, it offers a variety of perspectives on this topic, both in regard to the different scholarly approaches (legal, political, sociological, cultural, geographical, historical) and to the focus on various European and American regions. The authors represent not only different disciplines but also the different scholarly traditions and conventions of their home country. Their perspectives thus offer a fascinating view from various angles on the highly topical issue of ‘region.’
Contributors are: Anna Gamper, Jens Woelk, Jacques Fialaire, Natalia Zubarevich, Doris Dialer, Clemens Lammerskitten, Matthias Fink, Virginia Elisabeta Etges, Robert Tinkler and Elke Winter.
Informationen zum Buch
Regionalism(s). A Variety of Perspectives from Europe and the Americas
Gudrun M. Grabher and Ursula Mathis-Moser (eds.)
Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Föderalismus, Bd. 119
new academic press 2015
Kartoniert, 180 Seiten
ISBN 978-3-7003-1926-9
€ 20,00