Call for Papers
We are pleased to announce the 33rd International Conference on Alpine Meteorology (ICAM). It will take place from 31 August to 04 September 2015 in Innsbruck, a scenic town located in the heart of the Austrian Alps. Papers on all aspects of mountain weather and climate are welcome, including but not limited to:
- Dry and moist dynamical processes in complex terrain
- Boundary layer processes, air quality and chemistry in mountainous regions
- Stable and convective orographic precipitation
- Snow, ice and hydrological processes in mountainous terrain
- Mountain climate, extreme events and associated risks
- Impacts of climate change in mountainous regions
- Numerical modelling of weather and climate in mountainous regions
- Data assimilation and predictability in complex terrain
- Statistical post-processing of numerical weather and climate predictions
- Recent and future field campaigns in complex terrain
The conference is hosted by the Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics (IMGI) at the University of Innsbruck (UIBK). It will be held at the Center for Chemistry and Biomedicine (CCB).
Important Dates
- Abstract Submission Deadline: 07 April 2015 ➜ submit here
- Notification of Acceptance: End of May 2015 ➜ see programme
- Early Registration Deadline: 26 June 2015 ➜ register here
- Hotel Booking Deadline: 30 July 2015 ➜ book here
- Conference: 31 Aug - 04 Sep 2015
Organising Committee
- Mathias Rotach (IMGI; chair)
- Angelika Neuner (IMGI)
- Reinhold Steinacker (IMGW)
- Michael Staudinger (ZAMG)
- Manfred Bauer (ZAMG)
- Fritz Neuwirth (ÖGM)
Programme Committee
- Alexander Gohm (IMGI; chair)
- Sascha Bellaire (IMGI)
- Evelyne Richard (CNRS/Univ. Toulouse)
- Michael Sprenger (IACETH)
- Günther Zängl (DWD)
- Dino Zardi (Univ. Trento)
Invited Speakers
- Tina Katopodes Chow (UC, Berkeley) - Large-Eddy Simulation in Complex Terrain
- Jim Doyle (NRL, Monterey) - Gravity Waves and Predictability
- Ethan Gutmann (NCAR, Boulder) - Downscaling Climate Model Output in Mountains
- Vanda Grubišić (NCAR EOL & U. Vienna) - Novel Measurement Techniques and Applications
- Dan Kirshbaum (McGill U., Montreal) - Orographic Convection
- John Pomeroy (U. Saskatchewan, Saskatoon) - Snow-Atmosphere Interactions in Mountains
- Christoph Schär (IACETH, Zurich) - Cloud-Resolving Climate Modelling
All enquiries about ICAM 2015 should be sent to
Mailing List
You are invited to subscribe to the ICAM 2015 mailing list to receive important notifications such as the start of the period of registration and abstract submission. For this purpose, please send a message to with the subject "subscribe icam2015 [last name] [first name]". Leave the message body blank. If you do not want to receive further messages from this mailing list, send a message to with the subject "unsubscribe icam2015".
We are looking forward to celebrating at the conference dinner together with all ICAM participants the following three anniversaries: