About us

We form a team where science and art meet technology. We create and research at the intersection of architectural design, lightweight structures & geometry. We design multi-objective sustainability and pass our knowledge to the game changers of tomorrow.


Fereshteh Khojastehmehr

Fereshteh Khojastehmehr

Fereshteh Khojastehmehr is a Ph.D. researcher and University Assistant at the Lightweight Structures Unit, the University of Innsbruck. Her research focus is on bending-active structures and finding geometric solutions in design. Fereshteh received a Master's degree in Architectural Technology in the field of Digital Design, from the University of Tehran. Her research interests are lightweight structures, digital design and fabrication, and using computational geometry in architectural applications. She has joined the LSU team since Feb. 2021.

Link to ResearchGate


+43 512 507-64251

Mohammad Hassan Saleh Tabari

Mohammad Hassan Saleh Tabari

Mohammad Hassan Saleh Tabari is a Ph.D. researcher and University Assistant at the Lightweight Structures Unit, the University of Innsbruck. He has a Master's degree in Architectural Technology in the field of bionic architecture and was a member of Dail Lab, design and augmented reality. He is the developer of the Termite-Nest plugin for grasshopper. His research interests are lightweight structures, algorithmic design thinking, and using artificial intelligence for solving design problems. He has joined the LSU team since Feb. 2021.

Link to ResearchGate


+43 512 507-64252


Hasan Hadi Abdulameer 

Hasan Hadi Abdulameer is a Senior Lecturer at the Lightweight Structures Unit, the University of Innsbruck. He has a master degree in Architectural Engineering with the research Role of Digital Fabrication in forming parametric Structures, a member of U-NAT (United network for Art, Architecture and Technology) also a member in American Institute of Architects - Middle East Chapter. His research interests in bio-inspired lightweight structures, bio design, exploiting the bio-intelligence in into biomimetic architecture. He joined LSU Team Since Dec. 2021. 

Link to Website


Günther H. Filz

Günther H. Filz 

Günther H. Filz is a Professor of Lightweight Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Innsbruck, Austria, where he heads the Lightweight Structure unit. He is also a Professor of Structures and Architecture at Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland. His interest has especially been on the profound changes that selforganizing forms and processes - from minimal surfaces to bending active structures - instigate in the way architecture is thought, designed and built. His “fat-free-design” approach results in intelligent, innovative and sustainable lightweight structures.

Link to ResearchGate


+43 512 507-64301


Benedict Esche

Benedict Esche [guest]

Benedict Esche, studierte Architektur und Baukunst an der Hochschule München, der Technischen Universität München und der Accademia di Architettura in Mendrisio in der Schweiz. Er ist ausgezeichnet mit dem Egon Eiermann Preis, dem Wittmanschen Stipendium und dem Senator Bernhard Borst Preis. Er ist Architect-in-Residence Stipendiat des Goethe-Instituts in Rotterdam 2017, Stipendiat der Deutschen Akademie Rom - Villa Massimo 2017/2018 und Stipendiat der Wilhelm Kempff Kulturstiftung 2019. 2016-2017 unterrichtete er an der Technischen Universität München am Lehrstuhl für Entwerfen und Gestalten und 2018 an der Accademia di Architettura in Mendrisio (Schweiz). Seit 2019 Lehrauftrag an der Akademie der bildenen Künste in München für architektonische Strategien. Er ist Mitglied der Jungen Akademie an der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften/Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina.

Kollektiv A

Sebastian Antreich

Sebastian Antreich [guest]

Sebastian Antreich

Boku - Sebastian Antreich


Andreas Holzinger

Andreas Holzinger [guest]

Ich untersuche Pflanzenzellbiologie und konzentriere mich auf abiotische Stresstoleranz. Eine der Schlüsselfragen meiner Forschung ist, wie Pflanzen aus ihren ursprünglichen aquatischen Lebensräumen das Land erobert haben. Dieser Prozess wird als Terrestrisierung bezeichnet. Meine Forschungsinteressen liegen in den Bereichen Austrocknung, Licht- und UV-Toleranz. Hauptforschungsobjekte sind Grünalgen der streptophytischen Linie (Schwester zu Landpflanzen), aber auch Land- und symbiotische Algen, sowie höhere Pflanzen aus Alpinen- und Polaren Regionen werden als Modelle verwendet.

Andreas Holzinger - Universität Innsbruck

Giacomo Nüsslein [guest]

Nach einer Ausbildung zum Zimmerer, dem Studium von Architektur und Baukunst in San Sebastian, Zürich und München arbeitete Giacomo Nüsslein in Architekturbüros in München und Berlin, sowie an eigenen Projekten und in der Lehre am Lehrstuhl Entwerfen und Konstruktion der TU München. Seit 2018 führt er mit seinem Büropartner Nicolas Neumann das Architekturbüro Studio Corso in München.



Mauricio Gabriel Morales Beltran

Mauricio Gabriel Morales Beltran[guest]

Architect and Structural Engineer with doctoral studies in energy-based seismic design of tall buildings (2018, TU Delft). Broad experience in architectural education integrating structural design and building technology subjects. He began his academic career as lecturer at the School of Architecture of the Universidad Catolica del Norte in 2001 (Chile), in parallel with professional activities as Architect. Between 2008 - 2010, he worked as structural engineer after completing master studies in Seismic Engineering (U. Mayor, Chile). In 2011, he continued his academic career as Ph.D. researcher and lecturer at TU Delft, the Netherlands. In 2014, he joined the Faculty of Architecture at Yaşar University. His current research interests are the application of topology optimized structures in architectural design and the fostering of computational morphogenesis of structures in architecture.

Assist.Prof. (PhD) Mauricio Gabriel Morales Beltran - Yaşar University

Wolfgang Ohnmacht

Wolfgang Ohnmacht [guest]

Architekt  Dipl.Ing., gerichtlich beeideter Sachverständiger

web:         www.arch-owo.at


Athanasious Marcou

Athanasios Markou [guest]

University Lecturer, Aalto university, Department of Civil Engineering, Structures – Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation

Stephan Jaeger

Stefan Jäger  [guest]


Web : https://www.locusforma.at


Tutoring Students


  Freudenreich Lenz

  Huber Patrick

  Kalser Laura

  Nagl Pia

  Schneider Micha

  Trabert Vivian Romana

  Ungerathen Ruben ​​​​Floris

Wetzel Johannes

Wolf Lukas


Estermann Maximilian

  Gabardi Sandro

  Geisler Julia

  Götsch Kilian

  Hecher Elisa

  Karafiat Sebastian

  Krause Anita

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