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... since 1669! Founded over 350 years ago, the University of Innsbruck today is the most important research and educational institution in western Austria, offering a wide range of programmes across all disciplines. Located in the heart of the Alps, it offers 28,000 students and 5,500 employees the best conditions.


LFU Master Weeks 2025
Are you wondering what comes next after your bachelor's degree? Find out more about our Master's programmes during the LFU Master Weeks 2025 in online sessions from March 17 to 28.

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New type of quan­tum com­puter stud­ies the dance of ele­men­tary par­ti­cles

The study of elementary particles and forces is of central importance to our understanding of the universe. Now a team of physicists from the University of Innsbruck and the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) at the University of Waterloo show how an unconventional type of quantum computer opens a new door to the world of elementary particles.

Thou­sands of dwarf gal­ax­ies dis­cov­ered

The European Space Agency ESA today published new data from its Euclid space telescope. These used for a galactic census undertaken by astronomer Francine Marleau and her team at the Department of Astro- and Particle Physics at the University of Innsbruck: In Euclid images the scientists identified and characterized 2,674 dwarf galaxies.

PCNE 2025: Inter­na­tional con­fer­ence on clin­i­cal phar­macy

From February 5 to February 8, 2025, the Department of Clinical Pharmacy hosted the 14th Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe Working Conference

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Massimo Faggioli

6 June

Event Tipp

Far-Right Catholicism and Trump

The relations between prominent US Catholics and the Trump movement has occupied the center of the debate within the Church in the USA, but it has important consequences also for European and global Catholicism.
The lecture will introduce to the roots of extreme conservatism within American Catholicism and their cultural and theological connections to the Trump-adjacent far right: the rejection of the Second Vatican Council, the resurgence of „Catholic integralism”, and a post-democratic political theology.


Mountain Regions

We collect knowledge for the development of habitats and natural areas in mountains worldwide.


We drive forward biomolecular and biomedical developments.

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We utilise the synergies between physics, chemistry, earth sciences, pharmaceutics and civil engineering.


We ask questions about cultural dynamics and transformations.


We explore the workings of nature - from elementary particles to galaxies.

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We research, theorize and deconstruct gender and gender relations.

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