Installations in the city provided an opportunity to experience what is being researched in the various subject areas at the University of Innsbruck. At exhibitions in various museums, art met science and vice versa - new perspectives and points of view could be discovered.

Beauty before wisdom (in German)
"Beauty before wisdom. The knowledge of art and the art of science": A special exhibition on the occasion of the 350th anniversary of the University of Innsbruck in cooperation with the Tyrolean State Museums

Uni Innsbruck_INSIDE OUT (in German)
Do you know the voice telephone? What do vibrating stars sound like? What does stem cell research do? How is the Alpine region changing?

Bus stop installation "Frau Hitt and the 19 questions" (in German)
What if ... various researchers at the University of Innsbruck were to look into the legend of "Mrs Hitt"? What questions would microbiologists, geologists, legal scholars or philosophers, theologians or sports scientists ask? What does this legend (still) tell us today?

Research in motion (in German)
The Research in Motion photo exhibition took you on a moving journey through the colourful world of our research and invited you to join us on a part of the research journey.