Learning German

To really understand the country and its people, knowledge of German is essential. Here are some tips on providers of German courses, information centres and funding opportunities in Innsbruck.


The Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR) or Common European Framework of References for Languages (CEFR) deals with the assessment of progress in learning a foreign language. The aim is to make the various European language certificates comparable with each other and to create a benchmark for the acquisition of language skills.

The CEFR and CEFR levels are the basic levels:

A: Elementary language use
B: Independent language use
C: Competent language use

These are further subdivided into a total of 6 levels of language proficiency (A1 Beginners, A2 Basic knowledge, B1 Advanced language use, B2 Independent language use, C1 Specialised language knowledge, C2 Almost native speaker knowledge).


The Language Centre offers German courses (A1-C1) every semester. Registration for the summer semester (course period: March to July) takes place in mid-February, for the winter semester (course period: October to January) in mid-September. You can find out about the exact course content, deadlines, prices and registration methods directly on the website of the Language Centre.

In September, 3-week Intensive German courses (A1-B2) courses are offered, which promote both language practice and intercultural encounters. For incoming students, we also recommend the course "Kultur- und Landeskunde Österreichs" or the online "Mini-Crashkurs Deutsch und Interkulturelles 1x1 Österreich".

An interesting way to improve your German language skills and learn more about the country and its people is the free language learning partnership exchange at Language Centre. Language learners with different mother tongues are placed in pairs so that they can work together to improve their foreign language skills. Further information here.


The various other options for learning German in Tyrol are listed on the website Department of Integration of the province of Tyrol. The spectrum ranges from traditional German courses for adults to homework supervision for children and language cafés.

In addition to Language Centre of the University of Innsbruck,, the most common providers of German courses are BFI(Berufsförderungsinstitut), WIFI (Wirtschaftsförderungsinstitut) and VHS (Volkshochschule). Interesting offers such as language tandems or German conversation in your area are also waiting for you at the Innsbruck Neighbourhood centres.

The brochure "Tirol für AnfängerInnen" (Tyrol for beginners), which is available in several languages at online as well as in print, is a very nice compilation of all important information and addresses for immigrants.

Online courses for German as a foreign language are available free of charge at ÖIF (see below) and for a fee at Goethe Institute.


In addition to all information on ÖIF-certified language courses to fulfil the integration agreement , you will also find a language portal here that offers free Online exercises and learning materials for independent German learning. Further assistance for migrants and immigrants is offered by the Tyrolean Integration Centre at ÖIF.


  • University employee
    Please contact the team of the integration agreement regarding the funding of German courses. Personnel development
  • integration agreement team
    Regarding the reimbursement of course costs within the framework of an integration agreement, please contact the ÖIF
  • Non-employed persons with main residence in Tyrol
    Up to approx. 50% of the course costs can be reimbursed by Tyrol for those who are not obliged to fulfil the integration agreement, are not employed but live permanently and legally in Tyrol.
  • Employed persons with main residence in Tyrol
    For employed immigrants, a reimbursement of approx. 30% of the course costs is possible within the framework of the "Education allowance update" programme of the province of Tyrol.
  • Job seekers or unemployed persons
    Jobseekers or unemployed persons may be able to receive funding for German courses from ams (= Arbeitsmarktservice). Please enquire directly at the ams Tirol office in Innsbruck.
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