Plane flys through alpine landscape


ACINN is devoted to basic research in the areas of weather forecasting, mountain meteorology, earth atmosphere interactions and ice-climate relations. Our research activity is largely supported by third-party funding.

A group of students


We offer a full degree programme in Atmospheric Sciences, from Bachelor to Master and PhD. Our teaching covers all the core subjects of the dynamics, physics, chemistry of the atmosphere-cryosphere-climate system and includes prerequisites from mathematics, statistics, physics and earth sciences.

People walking through a corridor


Meet our research group leaders, scientists, professors and general staff.

Students in a classroom

Gra­duate Semi­nar

Time and location of the graduate seminar, a list of speakers, abstracts etc.

Student reading in a book in the library


All our publications.

Cover page of a PhD thesis


Bachelor's Theses, Master's Theses, Diploma Theses and PhD Theses

open data science: interoperable, fair, accessible, resuable, findable

Open Rese­arch Data

Links to our Open Research Data



Networks and partners

About Us

The Department of Atmospheric and Cryospheric Sciences (ACINN) is one of the few university departments worldwide where research and education in atmospheric science and glaciology are co-located. It is located in the heart of the Alps. Therefore, ACINN's research and teaching focus on mountain weather and forecasting, mountain climate, earth-atmosphere interaction – with an emphasis on snow- or ice-covered surfaces, exchange of gases, aerosols and other atmospheric properties over complex topography – and ice-climate relations. ACINN is embedded in the university's research areas Mountain Regions and Scientific Computing. It plays a key role in the research centre Climate - Cryosphere and Atmosphere.


Department of Atmospheric and Cryospheric Sciences
University of Innsbruck
Innrain 52f
6020 Innsbruck

+43 512 507 54401

+43 512 507 54599

How to find us

News and Events

  •   MSc Defen­sio: Hannes Wieser

    "Reconstructing and Homogenizing Lightning in Austria"

    Date/time/location: 03 April 2025, 11:00 am, computer room 60818 SR; 8th floor of Bruno-Sander-Haus, and on-line (if you want to join on-line please contact )

  •   MSc Defen­sio: Shahid Naqui

    "Methane and Ethane Fluxes Measured in the Urban Area of Innsbruck"

    Date/time/location: 26 March 2025, 04:15 pm, seminar room 60818 SR; 8th floor of Bruno-Sander-Haus, and on-line (if you want to join on-line please contact )

  •   MSc Defen­sio: Francesco Rizzieri

    "How snowpack can affect thermally driven winds"

    Date/time/location: 26 March 2025, 10:00 pm, seminar room 60818 SR; 8th floor of Bruno-Sander-Haus, and on-line (if you want to join on-line please contact )

  •   Grad­u­ate Sem­i­nar: Karl Lapo

    Title: "Introducing mrCOSTS: Unsupervised learning of coherent spatiotemporal structures"
    Wednesday, March 26, 2025; location: Bruno-Sander-Haus, Innrain 52f, seminar room 60819, and on-line.
    If you want to join on-line e-mail us at

  •   PhD Defen­sio: Ari­anna Peron

    Title: "Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds in Urban Environments; location: Hörsaal 2, GEIWI tower ground floor, and on-line; 
    28th of March, 2025, starting at 10 a.m.
    If you want to join on-line e-mail us at

News Archive

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