The 9th Meeting of the Austrian Meteorological Society (9. Österreichischer MeteorologInnentag) will take place on 11–12 May 2023 in the Aula of the University of Innsbruck.
The meeting serves to foster the exchange and contact between all individuals and institutions interested in atmospheric science and its fields of application. In particular, networking among institutions shall be promoted.
Program and Keynote Speaker
Four keynotes will give an overview of the importance of meteorological data in different fields of application:
- Nikolina Ban (Universität Innsbruck): Climate modelling
- Josef Eitzinger (Universität für Bodenkultur Wien): Agrometeorology
- Wolfgang Schöner (Universität Graz): Hydrology and glaciology
- Bernadett Weinzierl (Universität Wien): Aerosol physics
Meeting days: 11 May 12:00 – 12 May 12:00
The full program can be found here .
Abstract submission and registration
Conference participation is at no charge for ÖGM members. The registration fee for non-members is EUR 35 (to be paid on site).
ÖGM is offering travel grants (up to EUR 150) for five students. To be eligible you need to be a member of the ÖGM. To apply, please send a short letter of motivation to meteorologInnentag2023@uibk.ac.at until 31 March 2023.
Submit an abstract (abstract submission deadline: 31 March 2023) - Please submit only English abstracts. All presentations are supposed to be given in English. Abstact submission is closed.
Register for the meeting (registration deadline: 30 April 2023). Registration is closed.
Email: meteorologInnentag2023@uibk.ac.at
Local organizing team:
Manuela LEHNER, Mathias ROTACH and Alexander GOHM (Department of Atmospheric and Cryospheric Sciences, University of Innsbruck)