Curriculum Vitae


Mountain Climate at the Kilometre-Scale Resolution
Mountain weather in high-resolution climate data: How will the new generation of ÖKS benefit from new emerging datasets?


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Publications 2024

Contributions to Books / Journals

Journal Article (Original Paper)
  • Collier, E.; Ban, N.; Richter, N.; Ahrens, B.; Chen, D; Chen, X; Lai, H.-W.; Leung, R.; Li, L.; Medvedova, A.; Ou, T.; Pothapakula, P. K.; Potter, E.; Prein, A. F.; Sakaguchi, K; Schroeder, M.; Singh, P.; Sobolowski, S.; Sugimoto, S.; Tang, J.; Yu, H.; Ziska, C. (2024): The first ensemble of kilometer-scale simulations of a hydrological year over the third pole.
    In: Climate Dynamics 62, pp. 7501 - 7518. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Fosser, G.; Gaetani, M.; Kendon, E.J.; Adinolfi, M.; Ban, Nikolina; Belušić, D; Caillaud, C.; Careto, J.A.M.; Coppola, E.; Demory, M.E.; de Vries, H.; Dobler, A.; Feldmann, H.; Goergen, K.; Lenderink, G.; Pichelli, E.; Schär, C.; Soares, P.M.M.; Somot, S.; Tölle, M.H. (2024): Convection-permitting climate models offer more certain extreme rainfall projections.
    In: npj Climate and Atmospheric Science 7/1, Art. No 51. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Hall, A.; Rahimi, S.; Norris, J.; Ban, N.; Siler, N.; Leung, L. R.; Ullrich, P.; Reed, K. A.; Prein, A. F.; Qian, Y. (2024): An evaluation of dynamical downscaling methods used to project regional climate change.
    In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 129/24, No. e2023JD040591. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Molina, M. O.; Careto, J. M.; Gutiérrez, C.; ..., ...; Ban, N.; ..., ...; Belusic, D.; Short, C.; et. al (2024): The added value of simulated near-surface wind speed over the Alps from a km-scale multimodel ensemble.
    In: Climate Dynamics 62, pp. 4697 - 4715. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Soares, P. M.; Careto, J. M.; Cardoso, R. M.; ..., ....; Ban, Nikolina; et. al (2024): The added value of km-scale simulations to describe temperature over complex orography: the CORDEX FPS-Convection multi-model ensemble runs over the Alps.
    In: Climate Dynamics 62, pp. 4491 - 4514. (DOI) (Web link)

Publications 2023

Contributions to Books / Journals

Journal Article (Original Paper)
  • Chan, S.C.; Kendon, E.J.; Fowler, H.J.; Kahraman, A.; Crook, J.; Ban, N.; Prein A.F. (2023): Large-scale dynamics moderate impact-relevant changes to organised convective storms.
    In: Communications Earth & Environment 8, No. 4. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Cui, R.; Ban, N.; Demory, M.-E.; Aellig, R.; Fuhrer, O.; Jucker, J.; Lapillonne, X.; Schär, C. (2023): Exploring hail and lightning diagnostics over the Alpine-Adriatic region in a km-scale climate model.
    In: Weather and Climate Dynamics 4/4, pp. 905 - 926. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Malečić, B.; Cui, R.; Demory, M. E.; Horvath, K.; Jelić, D.; Schär, C.; Telišman Prtenjak, M.; Velasquez, P.; Ban, N. (2023): Simulating hail and lightning over the Alpine Adriatic region—A model intercomparison study.
    In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 128/13, No. e2022JD037989. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Prein, A.F.; Ban, N.; Ou, T.; Tang, J.; Sakaguchi, K; Collier, E.; et al. (2023): Towards Ensemble-Based Kilometer-Scale Climate Simulations over the Third Pole Region.
    In: Climate Dynamics 60, pp. 4055 - 4081. (DOI) (Web link)

Journal Article (Meeting-Abstract)
  • Schellander-Gorgas, T.; Ban, N.; Brugger, K.; ..., ...; Rotach, M. W.; et al. (2023): Klimaszenarien.AT“ - a strategy to new national climate scenarios in Austria.
    In: EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts 20, p. No EMS2023-236. (DOI) (Web link)

Proceedings Article (Abstract)
  • Ban, Nikolina; Kotlarski, Sven; Collier, Emily; Napoli, Anna; Zardi, Dino; Ahrens, Bodo; Colfescu, Ioana; Sedlmeier, Katrin; Truhetz, Heimo (2023): Understanding and quantifying mountain climate change and variability: The role of TEAMx and its Mountain Climate working group.
    In: 36th International Conference on Alpine Meteorology. 19 to 23 June 2023 in St. Gallen, Switzerland. published online / Internetpublikation., No. 7.4. (Web link)

  • Cui, C.; Ban, Nikolina; Demory, Marie-Estelle; Schär, Christoph (2023): Evaluation of hail and lightning climatology using km-scale climate model over the Alpine region.
    In: 36th International Conference on Alpine Meteorology. 19 to 23 June 2023 in St. Gallen, Switzerland. published online / Internetpublikation., No. O12.5. (Web link)

  • Pichelli, E.; ..., ...; Ban, N.; and the CORDEX-FPSCONV-Team (2023): Detection of disastrous convective events in the great alpine region and analysis of their sensitivity to the climate change.
    In: EGUsphere: EGU - General Assembly 2023 - Book of Abstracts. 23–28 April 2023, Wien. Göttingen: Copernicus., EGU23-11196. (DOI) (Web link)

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