Master's Theses Atmospheric Sciences
Year 2024:
Title: Surface energy balance and melt events at Weißseespitze ice core site
Title: Influence of the future changes of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation on North Atlantic Glaciers
Title: Modelling Debris Cover with COSIPY : a case study for Suldenferner
Title: Influence of Tropical Cyclones on precipitation in High Mountain Asia
Title: Mechanism and Structure of the Cross-valley Vortex in the Inn Valley
Title: Towards an objective avalanche forecast: Region clustering and automated avalanche problem identification to assist the forecasters’ workflow
Title: The role of nighttime filtering approaches for net ecosystem CO2 exchange over a mountain forest
Title: Comparison and tracking of facets around crusts in observed and modeled snow profiles
Title: Comparison and tracking of facets around crusts in observed and modeled snow profiles
Title: Foehn winds on McCall Glacier, Alaska: Identification and impacts
Title: Comparison of two avalanche terrain classification approaches : Avalanche Terrain Exposure Scale - Classified Avalanche Terrain
Title: High resolution downscaling of surface wind fields over Europe with a deep residual neural network
Title: Evaluation of AROME Model Valley Wind Simulations in the Inn Valley, Austria : Sensitivity to Horizontal Grid Resolution
Year 2023:
Title: Atmospheric boundary layer structure at the head of a small Alpine tributary valley detected with uncrewed aerial systems (UAS)
Title: Non-Orographic Gravity Waves above Propagating Tropopause Depressions
Title: Scale Interaction of Simulated Thermally Driven Winds in the Inn Valley, Austria - Sensitivity to the Horizontal Grid Size and Planetary Boundary Layer Parameterization
Title: Atmospheric Deserts and Severe Convection Over Europe: 7 Case Studies
Title: Case study of large snowfall event on the Tibetan Plateau associated with tropical cyclone activity
Title: May the snow be with you: forecasting heavy snowfall in the Northern Tatra Mountains
Title: Toward ice-free Pyrenees: the case of Aneto glacier
Title: Snow Water Equivalent measured by a Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensor: A Case Study from Hintereisferner, Austria
Title: Do thunderstorm environments actually produce thunderstorms?
Title: Temporal and spatial trends in precipitation in the Rofental
Year 2022:
Title: Past climate change in the Rio Santa Basin, Peruvian Andes, as described by multiple datasets
Title: New Particle Formation in Innsbruck March to May 2019
Title: Simulation of Deep Gravity Wave Propagation Using EULAG
Title: Future changes of Alpine snowfall and snowcover in a high resolution climate simulation
Title: Evolution and structure of lee waves and rotors over the northern foreland of the Tatra Mountains
Title: 21st century glacier runoff and how it buffers drought in 75 large-scale basins
Title: Future Projections of Extreme Sub-Hourly Precipitation over Europe in Kilometer-Scale Simulations
Title: Reconstruction of local climate conditions during the last years and decades at the site where Ötzi's body was found
Title: Raman-Mikroskopie an atmosphärischer, heterogener Eisbildung im Immersionsmodus
Title: Characteristics of a cold air pool near Seefeld, Austria: Numerical modeling results
Title: Cold air pools in Seefeld
Title: The Role of Fronts and Troughs to Triggering Thunderstorms in Europe During the Transitional Season
Title: Evaluation of COSMO-CLM high-resolution climate simulations over the Rio Santa basin, Peru, with focus on precipitation processes
Title: Spatially Distributed Wind Measurements in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer with a Fleet of Quadrotors - Examination of the Homogeneity Aussumption and the Applicability of Taylor's Hypothesis
Year 2021:
Title: Einfluss von europäischen Großwetterlagen auf die alpine Schneedeckenhöhe und -dauer
Title: Assessing the temporal and spatial dependency of calculating supraglacial debris thermal diffusivity from vertical temperature profiles
Title: A Comparison of Machine Learning Methods for Thunderstorm Forecasting
Title: Detecting Snow Cover in Multispectral Imagery Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
Title: Investigating the Role of snow stratigraphy and water transport schemes in modelling wet-snow instability
Title: Air temperature distribution and structure of katabatic wind on a mountain glacier
Title: Analysis of Submicron Atmospheric Particulate Organic Matter by a Chemical Aerosol Online Proton Transfer Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer (CHARON PTR-ToF-MS)
Title: Testing the importance of explicit glacier dynamics for mountain glacier change projections
Title: Sky Radiance Measurements from Pandora and Retrieval of Aerosol Properties
Title: Atmospheric Chemistry Studies with an Aerosol Flowtube on Alternative Jet Fuel Vapors
Title: Evening Transition in the Inn Valley on fair-weather Days.Masterarbeit
Title: Is it North or West Foehn? A Langrangian Analysis of PIANO IOP 1
Title: Future climate change in the Peruvian Andes as described by CORDEX data
Title: Flowline Glacier Bed Estimation with Numerical Modelling and Cost Minimization
Title: Eulerian Integral Time Scale in Complex Terrain
Title: Dynamics of Gap Winds in the Great Rift Valley, Ethiopia - Emphasis on Strong Winds at Lake Abaya
Year 2020: - Download theses from: Universität Innsbruck - Digitale Bibliothek
Student | Title | Advisor |
Castellani, M. | Estimating Glacier Ice Thickness with Machine Learning | Maussion, F. |
Knobloch, S. | The Three-Dimensional Structure of Turbulence Kinetic Energy in Complex Terrain: An Evaluation of the Spatial Interpolation Method Kriging | Rotach, M. |
Ladstätter, P. | Vertical structure of the atmospheric boundary layer in the Inn Valley during CROSSINN | Gohm, A. |
Morgenstern, D. | Multidecadal Foehn Time Series Reconstruction Using Maschine Learning and ERA5 Reanalysis Data | Mayr, G.Stauffer, R. |
Sandner, V. | Verification of COSMO-1 forecasts of foehn breakthrough and interruption in the region of Innsbruck | Gohm, A. |
Schuster, L. | Response time sensitivity of glaciers using the Open Global Glacier Model | Maussion, F. |
Stucke, I. | Spatio-temporal modeling of cloud-to-ground Lightning current strength and polarity in Austria and the atmospheric impact | Mayr, G.Simon, T. |
Trichtl, M. | The atmospheric water budget over the Tibetan Plateau in ERA-Interim and ERA5 reanalyses | Maussion, F. |
Zauner, C. | Meteorological analysis of a Puspa rain event in the Callejón de Huaylas, Peruvian Andes, with the help of atmospheric simulations and observations | Maussion, F.Klein, C. |
Zitelli, R. | Sensitivity of ozone production in Innsbruck | Nickus, U.Karl, T. |
Year 2019: - Download theses from: Universität Innsbruck - Digitale Bibliothek
Student | Title | Advisor |
Ackermann, J. | Orographic and atmospheric factors governing localized heavy snowfall south of the Swiss Jura | Gohm, A. |
Ferreira da Silva, T. | Synoptic influences on low tropospheric temperature and humidity inversions | Schlosser, E. |
Giordani, A. | Estimating ensemble flood forecasts uncertainty - Development of a novel "Peak-box" approach for detecting multiple peak-flow events, and quantification of the ensemble size impact | Rotach, M.Zappa, M. |
Graf, S. | Urbane NMVOC Messungen mittel NO+ Ionisationsmethode | Karl, T.Graus, M. |
Gregor, P. | Inversion of Glacier Bed from Surface Observations by Cost Minimization - Introducing the Open Source Model COMBINE | Maussion, F. |
Hatvan, V. | Evaluation of the physical SNOWPACK model under Arctic conditions | Maussion, F. |
Marchio, M. | Climatology of ingredients for convection with ERA5 | Mayr, G. |
Muschinski, T. | Spatial Heterogeneitiy of the Pre-foehnic Inn Valley Cold Air Pool and a Relationship to Froude Number | Gohm, A. |
Posch, T. | Weather Patterns leading to Thunderstorms in the Eastern Alps | Mayr, G.Simon, T. |
Raffler, P. | Atmospheric Boundary Layer - Structure in the Inn Valley: A Performance Evaluation of the Numerical Weather Prediction Model COSMO | Rotach, M. |
Stichaner, M. | Urbane NOx/CO2 Enhancement Ratio Messungen mit Hilfe von Instrumenten geringer zeitlicher Auflösung | Graus, M. |
Year 2018: - Download theses from: Universität Innsbruck - Digitale Bibliothek
Student | Title | Advisor |
Aichinger-Rosenberger, M. | Usability of high-resolution GNSS-ZTD data in the AROME model | Rotach, M.Wittmann, C. |
Baumann, V. | Interpretation of NMVOC concentration measurements by PTR-QiTOFMS using non-negative matrix factorization | Karl, T. |
Bär, J. | Boundary Layer Structure in the Inn Valley - Exploration Possibilities with a Passive Microwave Radiometer | Rotach, M.Lehner, M. |
Cerny, M. | Lake-level changes on the Tibetan Plateau and their Relation to Glacial Melt | Maussion, F. |
Dusch, M. | Influence of thermal and gravity driven flows on an Arctic fjord wind regime – A case study with numerical simulations | Obleitner, F. |
Emprechtinger, M. | Turbulence in Complex Topographie - Characterization of the Site Terfens | Rotach, M. |
Göbel, M. | Statistical post-processing of a numerical weather prediction model with neural networks | Mayr, G.Piater, J.Stauffer, R. |
Goller, M. | Satellitenmessungen von Niederschlag: Räumliche und Zeitliche Repräsentativität von Niederschlag | Hagen, M.Mayr, G. |
Hammerer, L. | Influence of Atmospheric Parameters on the Mass Balance of Intercepted Snow in Forested Areas | Jonas, T., Kuhn, M. |
Herla, F. | A Universal Particle Dispersion Parametrization for Ground-Level Concentration Distributions | Rotach, M. |
Kilian, M. | Impact of the Eruption of Mt. Pinatubo on the chemical composition of the tropical atmosphere as simulated with EMAC | Maussion, F., Brinkop, S., Jöckel, P. |
Laiminger, E. | Scaling of Turbulent Kinetic Energy in an Alpine Valley | Rotach, M. |
Naschberger, D. | Flächenhafte Vorhersagen von Temperatur und relativer Luftfeuchte im Flachland | Mayr, G., Dabernig, M. |
Raparelli, E. | Snow metamorphism and densification: Comparison of measured, parametrised and modelled data | Kaser, G. |
Schmidt, A. | Weather Type Classifications in Statistically Postprocessed Temperature and Precipitation Forecasts | Mayr, G.Stauffer, R. |
Schüssling, C. | Types of Extratropical Cyclones - Comparison of Well-Known Concepts and Case Study Cyclones | Mayr, G. |
Strudl, M. | Globale Sensitivitätsanalyse und Kalibrierung eines hydrologischen Modells für das vergletscherte Einzugsgebiet Riffelsee | Kaser, G., Gurgiser, W. |
Tollinger, M. | Unravelling the March 1972 northwest Greenland windstorm – Numerical case study and sensitivity experiments | Gohm, A. |
Year 2017: - Download theses from: Universität Innsbruck - Digitale Bibliothek
Student | Title | Advisor |
Brakemeier, M. | Charakteristics of snow structure along Kongsvegen glacier (Svalbard) | Obleitner, F. |
Brunhuber, S. | Return Periods of Extratropical Storms in Europe | Mayr, G. |
Del Gobbo, C. | Debris thickness investigation of Solda Glacier, Southern Rhaetian Alps, Italy. Methodological considerations about the use of Ground Penetrating Radar over a debris-covered glacier. | Nicholson, L. |
Ehrengruber, P. | Snow cover modeling on glaciers - An attempt at a high-resolution model chain for mass balance calculation | Bellaire, S., Nicholson, L. |
Graber, P. | Probabilistische Vorhersage von Beschneiungsbedingungen in Tiroler Skigebieten | Mayr, G., Gebetsberger, M. |
Krieger, V. | Influence of secondary orography on trapped lee wave rotors in water tank experiments | Maussion, F. |
Lamprecht, C. | Charakterization of NOx Sources based on Tracer Correlations in Innsbruck | Karl, T. |
Langhamer, L. | Lagrangian Detection of Moisture Sources for the Southern Patagonia Icefield | Mayr, G. |
Schlumpberger, M. | Wet and Dry Spells in Rio Santa Watershed, Peruvian Andes, and connections to the large scale circulation | Maussion, F. |
Schöll, M. | Temperature Variance Profiles in Complex Terrain - Testing a Passive Microwave System to Measure Atmospheric Turbulence | Rotach, M. |
Schönach, D. | Multivariate Statistical Postprocessing of Vertical Temperature Profiles | Mayr, G. |
Siller, M. | Wet and Dry Spells in the Rio Santa Basin, Peruvian Andes: A WRF Modeling Case Study | Maussion, F. |
Steinacher, C, | Vergleich der meteorologischen Verhältnisse der beiden konträren Jahre 2009 und 2010 in der Antarktis | Schlosser, E. |
Stutz, A. | Transport of Saharan Dust to the Sonnblick Observatory | Nickus, U. |
Thaler, M. | Characterization of high frequency NO2 measurements - A comparison of a cavity ring-down spectroscopy and a chemiluminescence technique based instrument | Graus, M. |
Thorlaksson, D. | Calibrating a glacier ice thickness inversion model from in-situ point measurements | Maussion, F. |
Weiler, F. | Bias correction using ground echoes for the airborne demonstrator of the wind lidar on the ADM-Aeolus mission | Karl, T. |
Zier, C. | Wie beeinflussen großskalige Wetterstrukturen das lokale Wetter in den Anden von Chile? Ein Downscaling Experiment | Maussion, F. |
Year 2016: - Download theses from: Universität Innsbruck - Digitale Bibliothek
Student | Title | Advisor |
Baur, F. | Determination of turbulent fluxes of airborne data in complex terrain using wavelet analysis | Rotach, M. |
Beck, L. | Partikelneubildung auf dem Sonnblick und der Zugspitze : März bis Juli 2013 | Nickus, U. |
Brogli, R. | Rotor Formation in the Inn Valley : A Modeling Study | Stiperski, I. |
Covi, F. | Assessing Precipitation Mechanisms on Kilimanjaro and Mount Kenya: an Idealized Modeling Study | Gohm, A., Kaser, G. |
Gutleben, M. | Nature and Extent of Shallow Marine Convection in Subtropical Regions : Analysis of airborne and spaceborne LIDAR-Data over the North Atlantic Ocean | Karl, T., Gross, S. |
Hochstaffl, P. | Validation of carbon monoxide total columns from SCIAMACHY near infrared nadir spectra with NDACC/TCCON ground-based measurements | Karl, T., Schreier, F. |
Luther, A. | Validation of satellite-based surface solar irradiance calculations in complex terrain | Obleitner, F. |
Maier, C. | Assessing snow depth distribution on the basis of atmospheric reanalysis | Marzeion, B. |
Markl, Y. | Spatial Interpolation and Analysis of Airborne Meteorological Data in an Alpine Valley | Rotach, M. |
Polster, C. | Bayesian Retrieval of Thermodynamic Atmospheric Profiles from Ground-based Microwave Radiometer Data | Rotach, M. |
Portele, T. | Mountain Wave Propagation under Transient Tropospheric Forcing : A DEEPWAVE Case Study | Gohm, A., Dörnbrack, A. |
Radlherr, A. | Beobachtung von Gewittersystemen im Bereich des östlichen Alpennordrandes bei Südwestwetterlagen | Mayr, G. |
Schmederer, P. | Characteristic Lifecycles of Ice Supersaturated Regions: implications on the competition of contrails and natural cirrus clouds | Mayr, G., Unterstraßer, S. |
Siedersleben, S. | The missing link between Alpine potential vorticity banners and banded convection: A case study of a severe Alpine snow storm | Gohm, A. |
Stoll, E. | Influences of a warming climate on wet snow avalanche activity : A case study for the Kaprun Valley, Austria | Mayr, G., Marzeion., B, Zeidler, A. |
Streatfeild, J. | Probabilistic Frost Prediction for the Blooming Period in South Tyrol | Mayr, G. |
Stuke, S. | Characterizing thin clouds using aerosol optical depth information | Blumthaler, M., Kuhn, M. |
Umek, L. | Lake and Orographic Effects on Precipitation at Lake Constance : Case Study and Numerical Sensitivity Experiments | Gohm, A. |
Zolles, T. | Uncertainty estimation of a glacier mass balance model | Maussion, F. |
Zweifel, L. | Probabilistic Foehn Forecasting for the Gotthard Region based on Model Output Statistics | Mayr, G., Stauffer, R. |
Year 2015: - Download theses from: Universität Innsbruck - Digitale Bibliothek
Student | Title | Advisor |
Bramberger, M. | Does Strong Tropospheric Forcing cause Large Amplitude Mesospheric Gravity Waves? : A Deepwave Case Study | Stiperski, I., Dörnbrack, A. |
Dittmann, A. | Precipitation regime and stable isotopes at Dome Fuji, Antarctica | Schlosser, E. |
Fetz, V. | Richtung und Geschwindigkeit des Klimawandels : Eine globale Betrachtung | Marzeion, B. |
Hangweyrer, M. | Analyse von Bodenmessdaten und satellitengestützten Niederschlagsdaten in der Cordillera Blanca, Peru | Kaser, G. |
Homann, J. | The Influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation on Alpine Winter Precipitation | Mayr, G. |
Lang, M. | The Impact of Embedded Valleys on Daytime Pollution Transport over a Mountain Range | Gohm, A. |
Schmassmann, L. | Seasonal forecasting of winter wave activity on the Atlantic coast of Western Europe | Mayr, G., Messner, J. |
Stöckl, S. | Pollutant transport in the Urban Canopy Layer using a Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Model | Rotach, M. |
Vogt, M. | Contrails in the ECMWF Integrated Forecast System | Gohm, A. |
Year 2014: - Download theses from: Universität Innsbruck - Digitale Bibliothek
Student | Title | Advisor |
Altnau, S. | Climatic signals from 76 shallow firn cores in Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica | Schlosser, E. |
Brandes, K. | Einfluss von Föhn, Anströmung und Temperaturschichtung auf die Ozonkonzentration in Innsbruck | Nickus, U. |
Fiegl, G. | Probabilistic Categorical Wind Gust Forecast in Complex Terrain : Case Study on Hahnenkamm, AUSTRIA | Mayr, G. |
Gruber, S. | Modelling snow water equivalent based on daily snow depths | Marzeion, B. |
Kneringer, P. | Statistische Kurzfristwindvorhersagen für den Achensee, Tirol | Mayr, G. |
Leitner, M. | Zeitliche und Räumliche Analyse von Blitzentladungen : Auswertung der Daten der CHUVA-Blitzmesskampagne | Mayr, G. |
Meran, I. | Darstellung des atmosphärischen Aerosols am Sonnblick Observatorium | Nickus, U., Kasper-Giebl, A. |
Plavcan, D. | Automatic and Probabilistic Foehn Diagnosis with a Statistical Mixture Model | Mayr, G., Zeileis, A. |
Staudacher, J. | Vorhersage von Schneeverfrachtungsklassen an ausgewählten Tiroler Standorten | Mayr, G. |
Wild, C. | Sensitivity Studies of an Ice Flow Model | Marzeion, B., Jarosch, A., Kaser, G. |
Wiß, F. | Statistical analysis of soil moisture in a CMIP5 multi-model ensemble | Rotach, M., Hageman, S., Stacke, T. |
Year 2013: - Download theses from: Universität Innsbruck - Digitale Bibliothek
Student | Title | Advisor |
Dabernig, M. | Comparison of different numerical weather prediction models as input for statistical wind power forecasts | Mayr, G. |
Eichhorn, K. | The change of power curves as a function of various meteorological parameters | Mayr, G. |
Gisinger, S. | Large Eddy Simulation der Luftstr¨omung in einer idealisierten, fraktalen Modellstadt - Geschwindigkeit, Turbulenz und Darcy Gesetz | Rotach, M., Dörnbrack, A. |
Pelzer, O. | Ein minimales Modell für die saisonale Schneedecke | Marzeion, B. |
Pinter, A. | Kurzfristvorhersage der Sichtweite an den Flughäfen Innsbruck und Wien | Mayr, G., Lanzinger, A. |
Presser, M. | FROST - Forecasting road surface temperature in Switzerland via model output statistics | Mayr, G., Rindlisbacher, M. |
Tiefengraber, M. | Developing IN2DOAS: Atmospheric Nitrogen Dioxide Determination Applying Direct-Sun Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy | Blumthaler, M., Kuhn, M. |
Tilg, A. | Parametrisation and Trend - Analysis of Snow Water Equivalent in the Alpine region | Marty, C., Kuhn, M. |
Year 2012: - Download theses from: Universität Innsbruck - Digitale Bibliothek
Student | Title | Advisor |
Bilstein, M. | Analyse der 24h-, 48h- und 72h-Leistungsprognosen von verschiedenen onshore Windparks | Mayr G. |
Dietz, S. | Untersuchung charakteristischer Lebenszyklen von eisübersättigten Regionen | Unterstraßer, S. |
Mitterer, C. | Indirekte Bestimmung der Ablation mittels digitaler Photogrammetrie (Hornkees, Zillertaler Alpen) | Fischer, A. |
Reif, M. | Inner-Core Vacillation Cycles of Hurricane Katrina in a Non-Hydrostatic Model | Gohm, A. |
Year 2011: - Download theses from: Universität Innsbruck - Digitale Bibliothek
Student | Title | Advisor |
Oechslin, R. | Wind Power Forecasting Considering Icing | Dierer, S., Mayr, G. |