
Stay conntected to the University of Innsbruck an your former study-colleagues. Tell us your story, and be part of the vivid exchange with your Alma Mater. Participate – actively.

Together we take history into the future.

Learn more about the network in the section Über uns and get to know the many faces of our Uni in the Alumni-Portraits.

Mosaik mit Bildern von verschiedenen Ehemaligen

The faces of our Uni.

Find out more about the alumni of the University of Innsbruck in our alumni portraits. There are many exciting and untold stories.

Foto von Thomas Ortner

Alumni of the month

In this section we give you a closer look into the who is who of our Alumni.

Foto von Absolvent:innen mit Urkunden

Aca­de­mic Cere­mo­nies

Celebrate your gratduation in an exclusive setting.

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