Sonja Bahn Video Archive

The department of American Studies has an extensive video collection of DVDs and TV recordings, which was started by Dr. Sonja Bahn in the 1980s and has been continuously expanded. At present, it is administered by Mag. Hilde Wolfmeyer. The films cover the history of film art from early silent cinema through classic Hollywood and highlights of national cinemas to recent experimental films and documentaries.

The archive is intended for students, teachers, and scholars of American Studies and Film Studies as well as for members of other departments with a focus on cultural studies. Not only American films but also major works from other national cinemas are included in the collection so that different methods of filmmaking and different national perspectives on the same cultural phenomena can be compared.

Information on the holdings of the archive can be found in the Innsbruck University Movie Database

Checkout Times

Tuesday: 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Thursday: 12:00 am (noon) – 3:00 pm

Lecture-Free Time

Closed in February and August


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