

  • American Literature | American Culture | Film and Media Studies
  • Overview of American literature and culture, from the beginnings to the present
  • Interaction between American literature and culture with the rest of the world in the context of history and contemporary culture
  • Canadian Studies
  • Analysis of literature and history
  • Philosophy, art and the analysis of social institutions and the media
  • Socio-anthropological and semitic studies of multicultural American society and life
  • Significant and constituating systems like film, music, advertisement etc.
  • Questions of class, gender, ethnicity and identity; research on migration
  • Techniques and methods of academic research and writing
  • Knowledge of text analysis (terminology and methodology)
  • Discussion of the most important theories of literary and cultural studies
  • Research of relevant and different types of texts and media (e.g. fiction, areas of popular culture, film theater, print media, internet)
  • For students in the teacher training program: practical use of the mentioned content in teaching situations


Research Projects

Current Research Projects

Delocating Mountains: Cinematic Landscape and the Alpine Model, Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Christian Quendler

The Boundaries of Fact and Fiction, Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Mario Klarer, M.A.

The Marco Polo of Christopher Columbus, Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Mario Klarer, M.A.

Lawbreakers, Apostates, Witches: Figures of Transgression in Narrative English Broadside Ballads (1550-1800), Dr. Robert Spindler

Networked Narratives: Queer Exile Literature from 1900 to 1969, Benjamin Robbins, PhD

Finished Research Projects

Kaiser Maximilian goes digital: Vom "Gedächtnis" zum Datenspeicher 2018-2021

Ambraser Heldenbuch: 1.1. 2017 to 31.12.2019

ESCAPE: European Slaves: Christians in African Pirate Encounters: Barbary Coast Captivity Narratives (1550-1780) - FWF-Project March 1 to Feb. 28, 2019

Sparkling Science Project " SLAVES": 1.9. 2017 to 31.12. 2019
SchülerInnen leiten eine Ausstellungsvorbereitung zu europäischen Sklaven

Publications 2024


Monograph, Scientific
  • Docherty, Michael (2024): The Recursive Frontier: Race, Space, and the Literary Imagination of Los Angeles. New York: SUNY Press. ISBN 9781438497112. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Klarer, Mario (2024): An Introduction to Literary Studies. London; New York [u.a.]: Routledge. ISBN 9780367678296. 4th fully updated edition. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Robbins, Benjamin (2024): Faulkner’s Hollywood Novels: Women between Page and Screen. Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia. ISBN 9780813951515. (DOI) (Web link)

(Co-)Edited Books

Anthology / Collected Edition (Editorship)
  • Fuchs, Michael; Marini, Anna Marta (2024): The Gothic and Twenty-First-Century American Popular Culture. Leiden [u.a.]: Brill (= European Perspectives on the United States, 9). ISBN 978-90-04-69805-5. (DOI) (Web link)

(Co-)Edited Journals and Book Series

(Co-)Editorship of Book Series and Journals
  • Docherty, Michael: Co-Editor, "Post45: Contemporaries" (Online-Zeitschrift) - Post45: Contemporaries, 2021-09-01 - 2024-08-31. (Web link)

  • Fuchs, Michael: Editor-in-Chief - The Journal of the Austrian Association for American Studies (JAAAS), 2018-10-01 - 2024-01-01.

  • Fuchs, Michael; Marini, Anna Marta: Editorship of "Animals in the American Imagination," special issue of Comparative American Studies: An International Journal, vol. 21, nos. 1-2. - Comparative American Studies, 2024-04-30.

  • Fuchs, Michael; Rabitsch, Stefan: Editorship of "Digital America;" special Issue vol. 4, no. 2 - The Journal of the Austrian Association for American Studies (JAAAS), 2024-04-22. (Web link)

  • Klarer, Mario: Series Editor - Transcriptiones, 2022-01-01 on-going.

  • Klarer, Mario; Feyersinger, Erwin: Editors of book series: Film and Television Studies - Universitätsverlag Winter, 2020-01-01 on-going. (Web link)

  • Klecker, Cornelia: Editor-in-Chief - The Journal of the Austrian Association for American Studies (JAAAS), 2022-07-01 on-going. (Web link)

  • Klecker, Cornelia: Member of the editorial board, AAA: Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik - AAA - Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 2022-06-01 on-going.

  • Klecker, Cornelia: Member of the Editorial Board, JAAAS: Journal of the Austrian Association for American Studies - The Journal of the Austrian Association for American Studies (JAAAS), 2022-05-01 on-going.

  • Klecker, Cornelia; Pöhlmann, Sascha: Herausgeber*innen - Special Issue: (Re)Imagining Flyover Fictions (JAAAS: Journal of the Austrian Association for American Studies, vol. 6, no. 1), 2024-10-16. (Web link)

  • Maierhofer, Roberta; Fuchs, Michael: Editorship of "Human Generations and the Environmental Crisis in Literature, Film, and Other Media;" special issue no. 10 - English Literature: Theories, Interpretations, Contexts, 2024-02-06. (Web link)

  • Quendler, Christian: Editorial Board Member - The Journal of the Austrian Association for American Studies (JAAAS), 2019-01-01 on-going. (Web link)

  • Robbins, Benjamin; Ralph Poole: Guest Editors Special Issue "Queer Ruralisms": Volume 4 / Issue 2 - AmLit: American Literatures, 2024-10-03. (Web link)

Contributions to Books / Journals

Journal Article (Original Paper)
  • Klecker, Cornelia; Pöhlmann, Sascha (2024): (Re)Imagining Flyover: An Introduction.
    In: Journal of the Austrian Association for American Studies 6/1, pp. 1 - 19. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Robbins, Benjamin (2024): Space, Sexuality, and Thornton Wilder's Villa Rhabani.
    In: Thornton Wilder Journal 5/1, pp. 99 - 119. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Robbins, Benjamin (2024): ‘This Wave Feels Like a Tsnuami’: The Political Responses of RuPaul’s Drag Race to Anti-Drag Legislation in the United States.
    In: Amerikastudien / American Studies 69/4, pp. 403 - 423. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

  • Robbins, Benjamin; Poole, Ralph (2024): Introduction: Queer Ruralisms.
    In: AmLit: American Literatures 4/2, pp. 4 - 21. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)

Journal Article (Editorial)
  • Fuchs, Michael; Marini, Anna Marta (2024): Animals in the American Imagination.
    In: Comparative American Studies 21/1-2, pp. 1 - 12. (DOI) (Web link)

Book Chapter (Original Paper)
  • Fuchs, Michael; Butler, Martin (2024): Nuclear Pasts and Environmental Futures: Nuclear Radiation as Gothic Matter in the Television Series Chernobyl.
    In: Fuchs, Michael; Marini, Anna Marta: The Gothic and Twenty-First-Century American Popular Culture. Leiden [u.a.]: Brill (= European Perspectives on the United States, 9)., ISBN 978-90-04-69805-5, pp. 156 - 171. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Fuchs, Michael; Marini, Anna Marta (2024): Introduction.
    In: Fuchs, Michael; Marini, Anna Marta: The Gothic and Twenty-First-Century American Popular Culture. Leiden [u.a.]: Brill (= European Perspectives on the United States, 9)., ISBN 978-90-04-69805-5, pp. 1 - 11. (DOI) (Web link)

  • Fuchs, Michael; Quendler, Christian (2024): The Vertical Dimension of the American West: Mining and the Media Archaeology of Navajo Land.
    In: Haring, Nicole; Maierhofer, Roberta; Bauer, Eva: Entanglements, Narratives, and the Environment: Inter-American Perspectives. Lanham: Lexington Books., ISBN 978-1-66696-827-9, pp. 117 - 137. (Web link)

Other Publications

Electronic Publication, Transfer-Oriented
  • Robbins, Benjamin (2024): Author’s Corner with Ben Robbins, Author of Faulkner’s Hollywood Novels (Interview). In: Media, News and Events, University of Virginia. (Web link)

Media Contributions

Newspaper Article
  • Alisade, Hubert: Marco Polo war nie in Äthiopien, hatte aber viel dazu zu sagen.
    In: Die Presse of 2024-12-14.

  • Klarer, Mario; Spindler, Robert; Klocker, Laurin: Zwischen Interdisziplinarität und Orientierung.
    In: Die Presse of 2024-09-21.

  • Klecker, Cornelia: Der Dienstag geht auf Bauern und Christen zurück.
    In: Die Furche of 2024-10-31. (Web link)

  • Klecker, Cornelia: Trump hat ganz klar diktatorische Züge.
    In: Die Presse of 2024-10-31. (Web link)

  • Klecker, Cornelia: Der Countdown läuft.
    In: Die Furche of 2024-08-01. (Web link)

Contribution in (Web) Radio Show
  • Klecker, Cornelia: Trump vs. Democracy: From Reality Show to Imperial Presidency.
    In: Podcast PolitikWissen of 2024-10-10. (Web link)

Publications Archive:

1995 to 20002001 to 20102011 to 20202021 to 2023

Ph.D. Dissertations

  • Rainer, Carmen: May Swenson and Her Poetry: Sharing a „Lonely Faith“, 2017. (Grabher)
  • Köll, Karin Walpurga: Killing Justice: Ethnicity, Class, Gender, and Violent Death in American Culture and Law, 2017. (Grabher)
  • Spindler, Robert: Among Pirates: Barbary Captivity and Early Modern Literature and Culture in Europe and America, 2016. (Klarer)
  • Haidegger, Ingrid:"Make Them Expectant": The Movie Poster as a Marketing Tool and Genre Indicator, 2015. (Klarer)
  • Rudig, Stefanie: Self-Location, Self and Location. Migrant Literature by Women Writers in Victorian New Zealand, 2015. (Klarer)
  • Schmied, Iris: The Hero And His Mythical / Musical Journey in Major Hollywood Films, 2015 (Grabher)
  • Laner, Barbara: Cinematic Cannibalism: Instances of Media Cannibalism in Film History, 2014. (Klarer)
  • Klecker, Cornelia: Spoiler Alert! Mind-Tricking Narratives in Contemporary Hollywood Film, 2011. (Klarer)
  • Mahlknecht Johannes: Writing on the Edge. Paratexts in Narrative Cinema, 2011. (Klarer)
  • Kreutner, Edith. Hurricane Katrina and Her Literature: An Analysis of the Catastrophe and its Reflection in US Literature, 2011. (Heller)
  • Leisner, Andreas. Individualism in U.S. Mythology: The Lawman as Promethean Figure in the Western, 2010. (Grabher)
  • Prantl, Philip: Sensing Justice: American Jury System, 2010. (Grabher)
  • Feyersinger, Erwin. Metalepsis in Animation: Paradoxical Transgressions of Ontological Levels, 2010. (Klarer)
  • Jäger, Markus. Popular Is Not Enough: The Political Voice of Joan Baez, 2009. (Klarer)
  • Schwarz, Claudia. The Ethics of Storytelling, 2008. (Grabher)
  • Klein, Verena Elisabeth. Mothering Her Self, 2005. (Grabher)
  • Müller, Elfi. Musizierende Literatur. Die Thematisierung der Selbst-Entgrenzung durch Musik in ausgewählten Werken der amerikanischen Prosa des 20. hunderts, 1997. (Grabher)
  • Dlaska, Andrea: Ways of Belonging. Appropriating Spaces, Fashioning Identities: The Fiction of Bharati Mukherjee, 1997. (Scheer)
  • Dehler, Johanna: Fragments of Desire: Sapphic Fictions in the Works of H.D., Judy Grahn, and Monique Wittig, 1997. (Scheer)
  • Bösch, Susanna: "Sturdy Black Bridges" on the American Stage. The Portrayal of Black Motherhood in Selected Plays by Contemporary African American Women Playwrights, 1994. (Heller)
  • Ilg, Angelika: Tradition und Wandel: Eine analytische Betrachtung der Erzählwerke Elizabeth Spencers, 1994. (Scheer)
  • Leitner, Miryam: Janice Mirikitani. A Monography, 1994. (Scheer)
  • Vogt, Elke: Grenzsituationen im Werk von Ursula LeGuin, 1994. (Heller)
  • Wogowitsch, Margit. Narrative Strategies and Multicultural Identity: Maxine Hong Kingston in Context, 1993. (Scheer)
  • Kallenberg-Schröder, Andrea Renate. Autobiographisches in Arthur Millers familienzentrierten Dramen, 1992. (Heller)
  • Wohlfahrter, Klaus. Filmische Passagen in die Neue Welt, Entwürf ethno-amerikanischer Kulturen im Migrationsfilm, 1992. (Heller)
  • Ramsey-Kurz, Helga. The Anatomy of Fiction. Fragwürdige Frauenfreundschaften in den Romanen von Anita Brookner, Alice Thomas Ellis und Emma Tennant, 1992. (Scheer)
  • Danler, Paul. Der Chicano Roman im Kontext. Eine Einführung, 1991. (Scheer)
  • Klarer, Mario. Frau und Utopie: Funktion von Geschlecht in der literarischen Utopie mit exemplarischen Analysen anglo-amerikanischer Frauenromane, 1990. (Heller)
  • Donnenberg, Gislar Innovation und Orthodoxie: Cynthia Ozick und der Versuch eines neuen amerikanisch-jüdischen Romans, 1990. (Heller)

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