Buddy and Mentoring Programs

BA English and American Studies
The buddy program is designed for first-year BA students and is coordinated by the Student Representatives. If you have any questions about the Buddy Program for BA English and American Studies, please contact Jonas Oberparleiter.
Office hour: Thursdays from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm, room 60513 (Bruno-Sander-Haus, 5th floor)
The mentoring program is for students in the third semester and above and offers you an additional support system throughout your studies. Mentors are faculty members from the English Department and the Department of American Studies who serve as the key contact person for student concerns.
Mentors' Tasks and Responsibilities:
- Key contact person for student concerns
- Providing insights into research and career opportunities at the university
- Assistance with study-related issues
- Referrals to the right contact person
- Support in making the most of your time at the University of Innsbruck
- Passing on life and professional experience
Mentors organize two to three group meetings per semester. If necessary, additional individual appointments can be made.
Program Registration
If you would like to participate in the mentoring program for the BA English and American Studies, please send an email to our program coordinator Cornelia Klecker (Department of American Studies). You will then be assigned a mentor. The registration deadline for the mentoring program starting with the summer semester 2025 is March 17th, 2025.
Monika Kirner-Ludwig, Cornelia Klecker, Christian Quendler, Helga Ramsey-Kurz, Ulla Ratheiser, Christoph Singer, Ingie Zakaria
BA Teacher Training Program Subject: English
The Faculty of Teacher Education is responsible for coordinating the buddy and mentoring programs. More information can be found here.
If you are a student in the Teacher Training program, please go to the Faculty of Teacher Education to register.
Additional contact persons for the BA Teacher Training Subject: English
If you have concerns specific to the subject English, you can get in touch with the following contact persons:
The BA English and American Studies Mentoring Program is also available for students in the BA Teacher Training Subject: English.
Please note: The mentoring program for students in the Teacher Training program is primarily organized by the Faculty of Teacher Education as they are in the best position to provide you with comprehensive advice. The mentors in the Departments of English and American Studies cannot help you with school internships, your second subject, or insight into the secondary teaching profession.
If you would still like to be mentored by a member of the English Department or American Studies Department or have further questions, please email Cornelia Klecker. If you would like to begin the mentoring program in the summer semester 2025, the registration deadline is March 17th, 2025.
Related Links
University-Wide Buddy-/Mentoring-Programs (German only)
Faculty of Language, Literature, and Culture - Buddy-/Mentoring-Program (German only)