Study in the US

Joint Study Program: Utah State University

Utah State University was founded in 1888 and is located in Logan, a small town in the mountains of northern Utah. Today, USU is a thriving research university where students can choose from a variety of academic majors, have the opportunity to experi­ence the vibrant campus life, and participate in exciting social activities.

Information for Students at the University of Innsbruck who want to spend a semester at USU.

Information for USU Students who want to spend a semeseter at the University of Innsbruck.

Open Call for the Summer Semester 2025

Call for Applications

Utah State University will offers admission to a student from the University of Innsbruck during the fall/winter semester 2025/26. Applications will be accepted from May 15, 2024 to Jul. 15, 2024. Find out about the application process here.

Study abroad coordinator for USU: Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Christian Quendler, Department of American Studies

For further information, please contact Philipp Helge Leonhardt, Department of American Studies (T +43 512 507 41613)

University Partnership: University of New Orleans, LA

Exchange Program Information

Contact Person: Mag. Dr. Gerhard Rampl, Department of Linguistics

Telephone: +43 (0)512 507 32413

Further Study Abroad and Exchange Opportunities (USA)

International Relations Office

Find all student mobility programs here.

Herzog-Friedrich-Str. 3 (Altstadt)
6020 Innsbruck
Tel.: +43 512 507-32041 oder -32045
Mail: Office hours: Mo–Fr 900–1200 am by appointment

Fulbright Commission (Austrian-American Educational Commission)

Find programs in the US here.

German Language Teaching Assistants und Stipendien für Graduierte
Museumsplatz 1
1070 Wien Austria/Europe
Tel: +43 1236 7878-0 Fax: +43 1236 7878 17

Funding Opportunities

Grants and Prizes

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