Minor (Complementary Subject Area):
English and American Studies

Ergänzungsfach 1


The English and American Studies minor (complementary subject area) consists of three modules of 10 ECTS-AP each and covers the core competence areas Linguistics and Culture, English Literature and Culture, and American Literature and Culture. The minor is composed of the following mandatory courses, all of which are taught in English: 


Mandatory ModulesSStECTS-AP
1.Linguistics and Culture I
a.VO Applied Linguistics2
b.SE Linguistic and Culture2
2.English Literature and Culture I
a.VO English Literature and Culture (incl. reading list)2
b.SE English Literature and Culture2
3.American Literature and Culture I
a.VO American Literature and Culture (incl. reading list)2
b.SE American Literature and Culture2


Registration for minors (complementary subject areas) is not required. However, completed minors will be explicitly identified in the final diploma. Students may decide for themselves when to start taking classes in their chosen complementary subject areas. It is possible to take the corresponding modules at the beginning of the master's program. This minor (complementary subject area) cannot be chosen if you are registered for the Master's program in English and American Studies.

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