Ulla Ratheiser

Mag. Dr.
Room: 40318
Office hours: Thursday, 10:30 - 11:30 (online/offline - please make an appointment)
Research Interests
- Postcolonial Literature
- Migrant Writing
- Cultural Studies
- Head of Department
- Coordination of literary courses
- Contact person for buddy/mentoring programme
German Philology/ English Philology and American Studies (Vienna and Leopold-Franzens-University, Innsbruck). Mag. Phil. 1999.
M.A. thesis: 'arzâtlîche meisterschaft'. Zum Motiv der heilenden Frau im mittelhochdeutschen Roman.
Ph.D. thesis: Agents of Change: Childhood and Child Characters in Patricia Grace's Novels.
Selected Publications
1) Victorian Surfaces. Skin, Silk, and Show. Eds. Sibylle Baumbach and Ulla Ratheiser. Palgrave, 2021.
2) „Toxic Masculinities and Acid Humour: Late-Night Comedy in the Age of #MeToo.“ Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies 31.2 (Summer 2020): 127-138.
3) „A New Model of Literary Competences and the Revised CEFR Descriptors.“ ELT Journal 73.4 (2019): 377-386. (with Grit Alter)
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