Welcome to our website!
DyME is a group of devoted researchers and students who are interested in multilingualism with English. They work primarily at the University of Innsbruck under the lead of A.o.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ulrike Jessner-Schmid.
Contact us at
To contact Ulrike Jessner, head of DYME, send an email to
About DyME
Infos about DyME, Press & Media, Partners, and Interdisciplinary Connections and Cooperations
Activities & Events
Current/Upcoming Activities & Events and past events
DyME Projects
Current and past projects
Overview of our publications
DyME is now part of ECSPM!
...ECSPM is a European civil society organisation advocating practices of and research into multilingualism in society and all its cultural activities and in plurilingual education in Europe and beyond. ECSPM is enrolled in the European Commission Transparency Registry as an NGO.
New publication in Lingua vol. 301
Birgit Spechtenhauser & Ulrike Jessner
Complex interactions in the multilingual mind: Assessing metalinguistic abilities and their effects on decoding a new language system in trilingual learners
New Project: DMMA
We are currently working on a Dynamic model of Multilingualism Assessment (DMMA), which investigates the development of assessment criteria for multilingual development and multicompetence from a complexity and dynamic systems theoretical perspective (CDST). Stay tuned for more!