Observing excursions
Asiago 2023
Eleven students of Innsbruck University participated in an excursion to the Asiago Astrophysical Observatory (Italy, operated by the University of Padova) between April 12th and April 15th, 2023.
In addition to training in data analysis techniques and the use of smaller telescopes, the students in particular conducted observations of galaxies and quasars using the 122cm Galileo Telescope (see picture).
This yearly course is primarily directed at physics students who already followed an introductory astrophysics class, but who have not yet gathered major observing experience.
Given its focus on the observation of extra-galactic sources it is highly complementary to the Advanced Laboratory Class: Telescope, in which the 60cm telescope of the Institute for Astro- and Particle Physics of Innsbruck University is used to observe primarily galactic sources.

Roque de los Muchachos Observatory (July 2023)
July 2023

Calar Alto Observatory (December 2023)
In December 2023 a group of 7 students participated in a scientific astronomical observing excursion to the Calar Alto Observatory in Southern Spain and obtained Near-Infrared observations of galaxy clusters using the CAHA 3.5m Telescope.