(acronym for Scarabaeidae KLAR! Kaunergrat) is a is a Bund-Bundesländer-Kooperation, to establish a “Sustainable control of Scarab larvae (a.o. Melolontha spp. and Phyllopertha horticola) in steep areas”. Title of the BBK-project is: “Impact of climate change on the sustainable effect of entomopathogenic fungi in permanent grassland and meadows: Application of fungal dispersion formulation for the control of Scarabaeids in exposed steep slopes”.
Auswirkung des Klimawandels auf die nachhaltige Wirkung von entomopathogenen Pilzen im Dauergrün- und Weideland: Einsatz von Pilz-Dispersionsformulierung zur Bekämpfung von Scarabaeiden in exponierten Steilhangflächen“
Our proposed SCARABKLAR project, which will be implemented in the climate change regions of Austria, is inter- and transdisciplinary in nature, as it includes several objectives: a.o. to assess the livelihood responses of selected pest species, using Scarabs (i.e., Cockchafers, garden chafer, and June beetles) as an example, to climate change. Determining the effects of irrigation on soil, plant, grubs and fungal active ingredient and to characterize new fungal biological agents/formulations and test the efficacy of existing fungal barley kernels under new climate conditions.
The project is funded by Land Kärnten, Niederösterreich, Oberösterreich, Salzburg, Steiermark, Tirol, Vorarlberg and the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management (Austria, BML; DAFNE 101849).
Runtime: 2023-2026
For further information please contact:
Co-ordinator: Mag. Dr. Hermann Strasser
Project Details: