Services of the BIPESCO team
Based on our many years of experience as scientists and university lecturers at the Institute of Microbiology at the Leopold-Franzens-University of Innsbruck, the BIPESCO Team Innsbruck offers numerous services from our research focus on mycology, phytopathology and biological plant protection in cooperation with the Tyrolean Chamber of Agriculture.
We are happy to make our extensive knowledge of fungi, especially molds, available to interested persons/partners. This takes the form of an advisory page, as well as special offers on the topics of quality assurance, risk assessment and registration of fungal agents (e.g. mycoparasites, entomopathogenic fungi and endophytes), detection of fungal agents in the field, detection of plant diseases in special crops (ESCA, soil-borne harmful fungi) and diagnostics of fungi.
In addition to standardized test procedures, we have also established numerous new methods (BIPESCO, RAFBCA and REBECA standards) to evaluate the efficacy of fungal products in the laboratory and in the field, but also to prove the safety of these fungal active ingredients for humans and the environment ("eco-controlling" and "risk assessment").
The BIPESCO Team Innsbruck works closely with companies (including Mykon), but also with authorities and research institutions. The proximity to stakeholder groups and the associated international contacts allow us to always be at the cutting edge of research. Our most important concern is to respond as flexibly as possible to the needs of interested parties, but especially of future project partners.
In the fall of 2004, the BIPESCO project was recognized by the EU Commission as a "story of success" and published in a European Commission booklet.

In Kooperation mit:
Landwirtschaftskammer Tirol
Fachbereich Pflanzen, Forst und Bio
Referat Pflanzenschutz