Facilities, Resources and Equipment
Live weather stations: Innsbruck University; Obergurgl; Ellbögen; Sattelberg
Contact: Mathias Rotach
Eddy covariance station, mass balance series, logistics Hintereisferner, water chemistry laboratory (ICs), hand-held weather meters, glacier safety equipment, low frequency ground penetrating radar, cheap IR camera, DSLR, regulated cold room, snow survey equipment
Contact: Ivana Stipersky | Mathias Rotach
Different types of microscopes, scanning electron microscope, freeze drier, different coring equipment for lake and peat deposits
Contact: Klaus Öggl | Werner Kofler | Daniela Festi | Jean Nicolas Haas
CN analyser, wet lab (water chemistry), freeze drier, various special microscopes, flow cytometer and cell sorting facility, lake sediment and water sampling equipment
Contact: Karin Koinig | Gry Larsen | Ruben Sommaruga
Different microscopes; tree-ring width measurement tables; image analysis system
Contact: Kurt Nicolussi
Terrestrial laser scanner, infrared camera
Contact: Rudolf Sailer | Martin Rutzinger
Optically stimulated luminescence lab
Contact: Michael Meyer
Stable isotopes (carbonates, DIC, air, water); microsampling; speleothem coring equipment; petrographic microscopy
Contact: Christoph Spötl
Stable isotopes (fluid inclusions)
Contact: Yuri Dublyansky
CO2 logger; fluorescence spectrometer
Contact: Marc Luetscher
Field Equipment: Geopulse 3.5 kHz subbottom profiler (Pinger) mounted on a NRS cataraft; Gravity corer with hammer action; Earth resistivity system for multielectrode tomography (Lippmann 4point light 10W)
Lab Analytics: Geotek Multi-Sensor Core Logger (MSCL-S) with sensors for magnetic susceptibility, P-Wave velocity and γ-densit;Smartcube Camera Image Scanner for split sediment cores or whole-round rock cores (360° scan); Malvern Mastersizer 2000 with three different samplers (wet, dry and small samples) for grain-size analysis using laser diffraction; Fall cone and vane shear testing device (Wille Geotechnik) for obtaining undrained shear strength on sediment cores; Cold storage room for sediment cores.
Software: IHS Kingdom Suite 2015 (seismic stratigraphy and core-to-seismic integration); CODA GeoSurvey and Survey Engine: seismic acquisition and processing; ESRI ArcGIS: GIS platform; RES2DINVx64: 2-D Resistivity & IP inversion
Contact: Michael Strasser