Admission Procedures for the Teacher Training Programmes
Information on the admission procedures for the Academic Year 2025/2026
Registration Deadline | Date of Admission Test |
03.03. - 15.05.2025 | 26. - 29.05.2025 |
02. and 03.06. 2025 | |
01.07. - 14.08.2025 | 25.08. - 26.08.2025 |
Dear prospective students!
A University Teacher Accreditation Programme prepares students for the profession as teacher. The partners in the network LEHRERiNNENBILDUNG – WEST offer a Teacher Accreditation Programme for Secondary Schools. Having successfully completed these study programmes, graduates are entitled to teach children and young people from the 5th grade to leaving certificate stage at new secondary schools (Neue Mittelschule,) as well as at secondary academic schools (AHS) and secondary technical and vocational schools (BHS).
According to § 65a UG and § 52e HG an admission procedure is carried out for students of a Teacher Accreditation Programme before admission to determine their aptitude for the Teacher Accreditation Programme.
The general admission procedure for the bachelor's degree program in Secondary General Education needs to be completed before registration for the bachelor's degree program in Secondary General Education.
It consists of registration and completion of a self-exploration/online self-assessment (Module A) and an electronic admission test (Module B). The aptitude assessment procedure takes place only once in the academic year and you can participate in the admission procedure only once per year (either on the main registration or on the alternative registration date).
For the following subjects, additional examinations need to be completed: physical education, music, music education instruments, and technology and textiles. You have to apply in person for these examinations at the following institutions (University of Innsbruck for Physical Education, University Mozarteum for Music, Instrumental Music and Arts).
Further information to the additional examinations can be found under the following links:
Examination to prove the Sporting Aptitude
Main registration
a) 3rd March 2025 from 09:00 until 15th May 2025 until 12:00: Registration and completion of the self-assessment procedure
- Registration on the portal (You will be forwarded to an external website. The university of Innsbruck and the KPH Edith Stein do not appear on this portal): Videomanual
Fill in personal data and non-binding information on the subjects you are interested in and send a non-binding application for the Teacher Accreditation Programme for Secondary Schools. - Completion of the online Self-Assessment „Guided Tour 1“ on
- After selecting the educational institution as well as the planned study and after paying the application fee of EUR 50,00 you will receive an application confirmation.
b) 26th to 28th May 2025 and on 2nd and 3rd June 2025: Completion of the electronic admission test/personality test
- The electronic admission test for the Bachelor's degree programme in Secondary Education (General Education) will be held on 26th/27th/28th May 2025 and 2nd/3rd June 2025at the PH Tyrol and on 27/28 May 2025 at the PH Vorarlberg.
- The test will be held on site at the examination location and cannot be taken online from home.
- The exact examination date for the examination location in Tyrol can be booked via a booking platform from 16th May 2025. The link to the booking platform will be sent to you by email on 16th May 2025.
- The result of the electronic admission test will be made available via the registration portal from 12th June 2025 and must be accessed by applicants via their personal user account.
The electronic admission test is based on a scientifically and practically sound standardised computer test. The focus is on assessing the existing cognitive, emotional, personal and linguistic resources and competencies of the applicants with regard to the requirement profile for the teacher training program and the profession of educator.
For reasons of test fairness and comparability, no further information on the test content can be given in advance. It is not possible or necessary to prepare for the admission test. There is no exam material or study material.
More Information as well as Sample questions are provided here.
Alternative registration term
a) 1st July 2025 from 12:00 noon until 14th August 2025 until 12:00 noon: Registration and completion of the self-assessment procedure
- Procedure as for the main date
b) 25th and 26th August 2025: Completion of the electronic admission test/personality test on 25th and 26th August 2025 at the PH Tyrol and on 25th August 2025 at the PH Vorarlberg.
- The test will be conducted on site at the examination location and cannot be taken online from home.
- The exact examination date for the examination location in Tyrol can be booked via a booking platform from 15th August 2025. The link to the booking platform will be sent to you by email on 15th August 2025. The date on 26th August is a reserve date and will only be offered if the number of registrations is exceptionally high. In any case, please keep the 25th or 26th of August free.
After successfully completing the Aptitude and Interest Test (completion of the general admission procedure and, if applicable, supplementary/admission examination(s)) and after successful online registration via LFU:online, personal admission to the teacher training program takes place in the study department of the University of Innsbruck (alternatively also PH Vorarlberg). For more information, please visit
The Aptitude and Interest Test is offered only once per year.
Requirements: passed general admission procedure
Artistic aptitude for
- Visual Arts Education: Information on the supplementary examination
- Music, instrumental music: Information on the supplementary examination
- Technical and Textile Crafts: Information on the supplementary examination
Sporting aptitude for
- Exercise and sport: Information on the supplementary examination
- § 65 lit. a Universities Act 2002
According to an amendment of the Universities Act 2002 new admission procedures for teacher education programmes have come into force in the winter semester 2014/2015.
The regulation of the admission procedure was published in the University of Innsbruck Bulletin, January 21st 2025, Issue 17, No. 318.
On the website of the Career Counselling for Teachers (CCT) you will find the “guided tour 1” as part of the Admission Procedures for Teacher Education Programmes as well as further information and self-discovery procedure, which will enable you to make a more accurate judgement about whether a particular career will suit you:
You can find information on other teacher education programmes offered by the network LEHRERiNNENBILDUNG WEST and on the Teacher Accreditation Programme for Secondary Schools on the website:
The website will provide you with basic information on the Teacher Education Programmes at the University of Innsbruck. There you can also find contact details of those responsible for particular subjects and the contact details of the Student Advisory Service for Students and School Leavers of the University of Innsbruck.
* With regard to the choice of subjects South Tyrolean students should inform at the following offices: Büro für Südtirolagenden, Studieninformation Südtirol, Deutsches Schulamt and Südtiroler HochschülerInnenschaft Bozen und Innsbruck.
Click here for information about admission to study programmes without selection procedures.
If you have any questions about selection procedures for the teacher training programmes at the University of Innsbruck, please send an e-mail to
Contact and Information +43 512 59923-3105
Mag. Dietmar Knitel
Applicants with disabilities can contact Mr. Mag. Dietmar Knitel for alternative examination arrangements.
Contact person ath the PH Vorarlberg: Nicol Vonderleu, B.Ed. (Primarstufe)
Mag. Michael Greifeneder (Sekundarstufe)