19th Young Forum of Slavic Literary Studies (JFSL)
February 21st - 23rd, 2024
Institute for Slavic Studies & Institute for Comparative
Literature, University of Innsbruck
Conference Program Book of Abstracts
The Young Forum for Slavic Literary Studies (JFSL) is an exchange platform for young scholars researching in the fields of Slavic literary studies, cultural studies and comparative literature, which has existed since 1996. It provides its attendees with the opportunity to present their doctoral or post-doctoral projects, to discuss them with other participants, and engage in networking on a peer-to-peer level with other researchers in the field of German-language Slavic studies.
The upcoming conference will take place from February 21-23, 2024 at the University of Innsbruck and will be jointly organized by the Institutes of Slavic Studies and Comparative Literature. Traditionally, the Forum does not prescribe a conference topic; philological, comparative, as well as interdisciplinary contributions in Slavic literary and cultural studies are welcome. The presentation time allotted is 20 minutes followed by a 10-minute discussion. The conference languages are German and English. Since the exchange of ideas and networking among young scholars are both essential aspects of the forum, the conference is planned as a purely in-person event.
Due to the alignment of our two institutes (and their respective emphases on Eastern, Western and Southern Slavic Studies), we would especially like to encourage doctoral students and postdocs from all Slavic countries to participate in the conference. While travel and accommodation expenses cannot be covered, we will endeavor to fund a certain number of travel grants. One additional priority of the event is to focus on Ukrainian literary and cultural studies. Therefore, we especially invite young researchers from Ukraine to submit a contribution. If necessary, we will try to cover the travel and accommodation costs. We do not charge a conference fee, a subsequent publication of selected contributions is planned.
We are looking forward to a fruitful exchange at the upcoming meeting!
Organizing team: Alena Heinritz, Gernot Howanitz, Yana Lyapova
The conference is funded by
- Faculty of Language, Literature and Culture, University of Innsbruck
- Research Area “Cultural Encounters – Cultural Conflicts”
- State of Tyrol
- State of Vorarlberg
- International Relations Office
- Vice-Rectorate for Research at the University of Innsbruck