Botanical Research


Research groups, activities and projects

Exkursion Ostalpen 2022


Study offers, students and tips for studying

Morina longifolia blühend im Botanischen Garten

Bota­nic Gar­dens

Botanic Gardens in Innsbruck-Hötting and Alpine Garden Patscherkofel



Herbarium IB an Algae Culture Collection ASIB


Hybrid ori­gin of an annual leafy spurge (Euphor­bia sub­gen. Esu­la) from the Alborz Moun­tains (Iran) in the Irano-Tura­nian floris­tic region

Amirhosein Pahlevani (Department of Botany, Tehran, Iran) and Božo Frajman (Institute of Botany, University of Innsbruck) described a new endemic plant species in the Alborz Mountains in the Iranian-Turanian region.


Award for best Master's the­sis

Moritz Stegner received the award of the German Botanical Society for the best master's thesis in plant sciences written at the University of Innsbruck in 2024.

We are very happy and congratulate him!


Botan­i­cal Col­lo­quium 29.01.25

Elucidating the role for bark photosynthesis in bud burst of sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus)

Thomas Roach, PhD, Associate Professor – Institute of Botany, University of Innsbruck


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