Cacti and succulents
The Botanical Gardens have a very large specialised collection of succulent plant species with approximately 2000 species, 800 of which are cacti.
All of them originate from all continents and the most diverse ecological niches. The only thing they have in common is their ability to cope with long periods of water shortage.
Our collection focusses in part on succulents from South Africa. Of these, 176 species belong to the Aizoaceae family and 190 to the Xanthorrhoeoideae subfamily. There is also a large number of Crassulaceae, with no fewer than 190 different species in our collection. The genus Haworthia is of special interest to the gardener in charge of the succulents and cacti, which is reflected in the approximately 100 species of this genus in our collection.
The collection can be viewed by appointment only.