Research Group
Cell Biology
Our research group studies plant cell biology. The focus is on abiotic stress tolerance that allowed plants to live on land. We combine different structural- and ultrastructural investigations with physiological, metabolic and transcriptomic analysis to understand plant resistance to unfavorable conditions dominating in early evolution of land plants. Our main research objects are green algae of the streptophytic lineage (sister clade to land plants), but we cover also the cell biology of other algae and higher plants from polar and alpine habitats.

Confocal laser scanning image of the marine alga Ulva

PhD student Charlotte Permann measuring in the field

Transmission electron micrograph of the green alga Zygnema
Main research topics
- Effects of abiotic stress on cellular level (desiccation, light- and UV)
- Composition and organization of cell walls (green algae, different spores)
- Metabolic and transcriptomic changes induced by abiotic stress
- Isolation and cultivation of green algae from extreme habitats
Academic staff
Administrative and technical staff
- Christine Rossetti
Emeriti and retired staff
Research Assistants
- Michaela Hittorf
- Viktoria Schinnerl
- Ana Akiko Pfleger
- Anagha Santhosh
- Tamara Loacker
- Nina Rittmeier
- Viktoria Schinnerl