Jean Nicolas Haas

Research Group Palaeoecology
Research group leader
Room number 313
“I am specialized in North Hemispheric Palaeoecology, and have supervised more than 70 Bachelor, master and PhD students at the University of Innsbruck and abroad (since 2000), and got some scientific awards for my research. I hold an extraordinary professorship at the University of Innsbruck and I am President of the International Federation of Palynological Societies (IFPS; 2016–2024), as well as Member of the Scientific Board of the INEE – National Institute for Ecology and Environment / CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), France (2013–2023).”
- Flora and Vegetation of the Younger Dryas and Early Holocene at Flözer-Bändeli Abri, Bisistal Valley, Canton of Schwyz, Switzerland, 2022
- “Pulling the Plug”: Late-Glacial and Holocene Flora, Vegetation and Climate Event History of Lake Sulzkarsees, Styria, Austria, 2019–2023.
- Palaeoethnobotany of the Villa Rustica of Pfongau, Salzburg, 2010–2022.
- “Beyond the lake villages”: Neolithic Mondsee Culture Pile Dwellings and their Hinterlands, 2016–2023.
- Pollen Provenience in Honey Bee (Apis mellifera ssp. carnica) pollen pellets from the Merano Region – South Tyrol, 2018–2023.
Selected Publications
- Dendievel, André-Marie; Argant, Jacquelinne; Dietre, Benjamin; Delrieu, Fabien; Jouannic, Gwénolé; Lemdahl, Geoffrey; Mennessier-Jouannet, Christine; Mille, Pierre; Haas, Jean Nicolas; Cubizolle, Hervé (online first): Multi-proxy study of the Pialeloup Bog (SE Massif Central, France) reveals long-term human environmental changes affecting peat ecosystems during the Holocene. In: Quaternary International 636, 118 - 123..
- Gibert, Patricia; Thiébault, Stéphanie; Baehrel, Estelle; Biron, David; Bourmaud, Chloé; Dubreuil, Vincent; Giron, David; Guillerme, Sylvie; Haas, Jean Nicolas; Heyer, Evelyne; Jarne, Philippe; Jouffre, Didier; Maureille, Bruno; Mémery, Laureent; Méry, Frédéric; Moret, Pierre; Perrin, Thomas; Prado, Soizic; Prévost, Geneviève; Queffélec, Alain; Rougereon, Virginie; Sauvage, Sabine; Selosse, Marc-André; Tengberg, Margareta; Schmeller, Dirk; Dubosq, Julie; Kacki, Sacha; Castex, Dominique; Sofonea, Mircea (2021): Regards Croisés sur les Pandémies - Écologie, Évolution et Sociétés. Paris: CNRS Éditions. ISBN 978-2-271-13663-3.
- Dietre, Benjamin; Reitmaier, Thomas; Walser, Christoph; Warnk, Theresa; Unkel, Ingmar; Hajdas, Irka; Lambers, Karsten; Reidl, Daniel; Haas, Jean Nicolas (2020): Steady transformation of primeval forest into subalpine pasture during the Late Neolithic to Early Bronze Age (2300−1700 BC) in the Silvretta Alps, Switzerland. In: The Holocene 30/3, S. 355 - 368.
- Dendievel, André-Marie; Dietre, Benjamin; Cubizolle, Hervé; Hajdas, Irka; Kofler, Werner; Oberlin, Christine; Haas, Jean Nicolas (2019): Holocene palaeoecological changes and agro-pastoral impact on the La Narce du Béage mire (Massif Central, France). In: The Holocene 29/6, S. 992 - 1010.
- Finsinger, Walter; Schwörer, Christoph; Heiri, Oliver; Morales‐Molino, César; Ribolini, Adriano; Giesecke, Thomas; Haas, Jean Nicolas; Kaltenrieder, Petra; Magyari, Enikő K.; Ravazzi, Cesare; Rubiales, Juan Manuel; Tinner, Willy (2019): Fire on ice and frozen trees? Inappropriate radiocarbon dating leads to unrealistic reconstructions. Comment on Carcaillet & Blarquez (2017) ‘Fire ecology of a tree glacial refugium on a nunatak with a view on Alpine glaciers’. In: New Phytologist 222/2, S. 657 - 662.
Additional research achievements
- President of the International Federation of Palynological Societies (IFPS; 2016–2024).
- Member of the Scientific Board of the INEE – National Institute for Ecology and Environment / CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), France (2013–2023).
- Guest Editor Quaternary International; Vegetation History and Archaeobotany.
- Reviewer for Applied Vegetation Science; Aquatic Botany; Boreas; Central European Journal of Geosciences; Compte Rendue Biologies; Cryptogamie – Algologie; Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae; Ecology; Ecoscience; Environmental Archaeology; European Journal of Phycology; Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution–Palaeoecology; Geology; Global and Planetary Change; Journal of Archaeological Science; Journal of Biogeography; Journal of Environmental Monitoring; Journal of Glaciology; Journal of Paleolimnology; Journal of Plant Research; Journal of Quaternary Science; Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology; Palaeoworld; Palynology; Quaternaire; Quaternary International; Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology; The Holocene; Vegetation History and Archaeobotany.
- Award of the Canada Centre, University of Innsbruck (2001)
- Quaternary Botany
- Mesolithic Landscape Change
- Sustainability of Neolithic and Bronze Age Pile-Dwelling Societies
- Charophytes as Palaeoclimatic Indicators
- Botanical Excursions to the extant flora and vegetation of Europe and North America