Konrad Pagitz

Research group Biodiversity
Academic staff
Room number 215
"I study the flora of the Eastern Alps with a focus on Tyrol. My main topics include anthropogenic impact on flora and vegetation and related issues such as neophytes, their spread and effects on the one hand and rare species and biodiversity loss on the other. The work often has strong practical relevance. As Neophyte Officer of the Province of Tyrol, there is close contact to public authorities. Another focus is on the bramble flora of Austria and the Eastern Alps. I coordinate a working group for research on the Austrian blackberry flora. As curator of the herbarium of the Institute of Botany and the Botanical Garden I am responsible for the care of the scientific collections.”
New Rad Data List of Tyrolean vascular plants, TNF, 2021–2023
Contination, BBT-Monitoring of Neophytes, BBT-Brenner Base Tunnel, 2024–2027
Threatened with extinction! - Habitat management for rare species in Tyrol - VALAT, Österreichischer Biodiversitätsfonds 2024–2025
Neophyte Center Tirol, Province of Tyrol, 2021–2024
#informal projects: Rubus-Flora Austria, Eastern Alps, Italy
Selected publications
- Roura-Pascual, N.; Saul, W.-C.; Pérez-Granados, C.; Rutting, L.; Peterson, G.D.; Latombe, G.; Essl, F.; Adriaens, T.; Aldridge, D.C.; Bacher, S.; Bernardo-Madrid, R.; Brotons, L.; Diaz, F.; Gallardo, B.; Genovesi, P.; Golivets, M.; González-Moreno, P.; Hall, M.; Kutleša, P.; Lenzner, B.; Liu, C.; Pagitz, K.; Pastor, T.; Rabitsch, W.; Robertson, P.; Roy, H.E.; Seebens, H.; Solarz, W.; Starfinger, U.; Tanner, R.; Vilà, M.; Leung, B.; Garcia-Lozano, C.; Jeschke, J.M.. A scenario-guided strategy for the future management of biological invasions. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. https://doi.org/10.1002/fee.2725
- Pérez-Granados, C.; Lenzner, B.; Golivets, M.; Saul, W.-C.; Jeschke, J.M.; Essl, F.; Peterson, G.D.; Rutting, L.; Latombe, G.; Adriaens, T.; Aldridge, D.C.; Bacher, S.; Bernardo-Madrid, R.; Brotons, L.; Diaz, F.; Gallardo, B.; Genovesi, P.; González-Moreno, P.; Kühn, I.; Kutleša, P.; Leung, B.; Liu, C.; Pagitz, K.; Pastor, T.; Pauchard, A.; Rabitsch, W.; Robertson, P.; Roy, H.E.; Seebens, H.; Solarz, W.; Starfinger, U.; Tanner, R.; Vilà, M.; Roura-Pascual, N. (2023): European scenarios for future biological invasions. People and Nature. 1023; 00:1-15. http://doi.org/10.1002/pan3.10567
- Pawlowska, Karolina A.; Kryzman Maria; Zidorn Christian; Pagitz Konrad; Popowska Dominik; Granica Sebastian (2023): HPLC-DAD-MS3 fingerprints of phenolics of selected Polygonum taxa and their chemometric analysis. Phytochemistry 208, 113605. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.phytochem.2023.113605
- Hohla, Michael; Pagitz, Konrad; Király, Gergely (2021): Hidden on both sides of the Alps: Rubus noricus, a new species of bramble (Rosaceae) from Austria and Germany. Phytotaxa 489/1, S. 1 – 9. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.489.1.1.
- Musiał, Krystyna; Pagitz, Konrad; Gudžinskas, Zigmantas; Lazarski, Grzegorz; Pliszko, Artur (2020): Chromosome numbers in hybrids between invasive and native Solidago (Asteraceae) species in Europe. Phytotaxa 471/3, S. 267 - 275. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.471.3.8
Additional research achievements
Community services
Red list and checklist of ferns and flowering plants of North and East Tyrol
Curator of the Herbarium Collections IB
Curator of the Botanic Garden Innsbruck
Head of the Neophyte Center of Tyrol and Neophyte Officer of the Province of Tyrol
Deputy head of the Platform Biodiversity
Management and coordination of the Austrian Outdoor Botany Certificate
Head of the “Austrian-Alpine bramble Workshop”
Head of the Association "Friends of the Botanical Garden Innsbruck”
Plant biodiversity
Plant identification
Invasion biology
Neophytes and invasive species
- Nature conservation