Research Group

The research group in Palaeoecology of Jean Nicolas Haas deals with using palynological, palaeoecological and palaeoethnobotanical methods on extant and past timelines from all kind of Northern Hemispheric archives in order to reconstruct and understand the flora, vegetation and phytodiversity changes under climatic, anthropogenic and environmental constrains and changes.

Researchs ampling bog
Resarch sampling Flözerbändli

Main research topics

  • Quaternary Climate and Vegetation Dynamics.
  • Freshwater Plants as Indicators for past lake-trophy and lake-level changes.
  • Pollen, Non-pollen Palynomorphs and Plant Macrofossils as Human and Livestock Indicators for past Cultural Landscape Changes.
  • Palaeoethnobotany of Neolithic and Bronze Age Pile dwellings and lake-side Villages in the Alpine Arch.


  • Flora and Vegetation of the Younger Dryas and Early Holocene at Flözer-Bändeli Abri, Bisistal Valley, Canton of Schwyz, Switzerland, 2022-2023
  • Holocene Growth History of the Blanket Bog Gazon du Faing in the Vosges Mountains, Alsace, France, 2021–2023.
  • “Pulling the Plug”: Late-Glacial and Holocene Flora, Vegetation and Climate Event History of Lake Sulzkarsees, Styria, Austria, 2019–2023.
  • Palaeoethnobotany of the Villa Rustica of Pfongau, Salzburg, 2010–2023.
  • “Beyond the lake villages”: Mondsee Culture Pile Dwellings and their Hinterlands, 2016–2023.

Further projects and archiv

Research group leader

Jean Nicolas Haas


Academic staff

Administrative and technical staff

  • Werner Kofler

Emeriti and retired staff

  • Klaus Oeggl
  • Sigmar Bortenschlager

Research Assistants

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