Serena M. Scalera
Assistant Professor
Department of Italian Law (Private Law)
University of Innsbruck
Christoph-Probst-Platz, Innrain 52, 6020 Innsbruck
Zimmer 3105
+43 512 507 80251
Availability after appointment

Since October 2019, Serena Maria Scalera has been research and teaching assistent at the Department of Italian Law of the University of Innsbruck Law under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Francesco A. Schurr, Sector of Business Law.
After attending the International Classical High School "Socrate" in Bari, she undertook her studies at the Institute of Italian Law at the Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck, Austria, and at the Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität in Würzburg, Germany.
In 2016 she took part in the "Moot Court" project supervised by Lawyer Dr. E. Rudolph-Ramirez, Reichhalter & Rudolph-Ramirez Law Firm.
In October of the same year, she obtained the Degree at the Niccolò Piccinni Conservatory in Bari.
After completing her university studies, Serena M. Scalera worked as an intern at the District Court and at the Regional Court Innsbruck (2019), where she dealt with family law, civil law, and criminal law.
Her doctoral project aims to analyse the new frontiers of company law, in view of the increasing use of innovative technologies and systems, following a comparative path that considers the legal systems where there is already a specific discipline on the subject.
Serena M. Scalera is also a member of the Doktoratskolleg Liechtensteinisches Recht at the University of Innsbruck and of the Editorial Board of the Law Journal Contratto e Impresa Europa.
Since September 2022, Serena M. Scalera is authorized to practice law, after successfully passing the state admission examination at the Court of Appeal of Bari.
Main Research Areas
- Company law
- Digitalization of law
Recent Publications
- DLT asserviti a scopi illeciti: l'integrazione del reato di riciclaggio tramite l'utilizzo di criptovalute. Antiriciclaggio & Compliance, Nr. 2, 2023, 13-34.
- Blockchain e riciclaggio: una sfida in divenire. Istituzioni Diritto Economia, Anno IV, Num. 1, 2022, 140-170.
- Sind Token Sachen? Eine rechtsvergleichende Analyse zwischen Deutschland und Italien. Konferenzband zum Scientific Track der Blockchain Autumn School 2021 (ISSN 1437-7624), Nr. 4, 2021, 42-49.
- Sustainable Corporations Symposium. NR - Nachhaltigkeitsrecht (Heft 3/2021), 391.
- Il pegno di quote di s.r.l. si costituisce con l'iscrizione nel registro delle imprese. Istituzioni Diritto Economia, Anno II, Num. 1, 2020, 396-408.
Recent Presentations
- Verträge mit und über künstliche Intelligenz: Fragen des italienischen Vertragsrechts, Zivilistisches Nachwuchsforschungskolloquiums der Rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakültäten der Universitäten Innsbruck und Bern, Hasliberg, 1.6.2023.
- Emissione e circolazione di strumenti finanziari in forma digitale: riflessioni sul decreto legge 17 marzo 2023, n. 25. Journal Club 2023, Seminario Dottorandi, Incontro tra le Università di Innsbruck e Pavia, 4.5.2023.
- Tokenizzazione di partecipazioni di società di capitali. 1. Giornata di Studi Innsbruck-Padova/1.Studientag Innsbruck-Padua, Universität Innsbruck, 28.9.2022.
- Die sachenrechtliche Rechtsnatur von Token im deutsch-italienischen Rechtsvergleich. Blockchain Summit 2022, Institut für das Recht der Digitalisierung, Philipps-Universität Marburg. Kitzbühel, 16.6.2022.
- NFT. L'arte digitale e la tutela del diritto d'autore, ELSA (The European Law Students' Association) Innsbruck IA, Innsbruck, 7.6.2022.
- Il diritto di recesso nelle società Benefit. Tagung im Rahmen des PhD-Doktoratsstudiums Italienisches Recht (Innsbruck-Padua), Universität Innsbruck, 19.1.2022.
- Sind Token Sachen? Eine rechtsvergleichende Analyse zwischen Deutschland und Italien. Blockchain Autumn School 2021. Blockchain Competence Center Mittweida (BCCM) - Hochschule Mittweida, University of Applied Sciences, 16.9.2021.
- Tokenisierung und Gesellschaftsrecht. Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen-Tagung: Digitale Innovationen im Zivil- und Gesellschaftsrecht, in cooperation with the University of Zürich and the University of Innsbruck, University of Liechtenstein, 21.6.2021.