Paola-Ludovika Coriando
University Professor
Academic Career

- born 1969 in Genova
- study of philosophy, modern German literature and German philology in Genoa and Freiburg in Breisgau
- 1997 Doctorate (Dr. phil.) in Freiburg with the dissertation „Der letzte Gott als Anfang. Zur ab-gründigen Zeit-Räumlichkeit des Übergangs in Heideggers 'Beiträgen zur Philosophie'“
- 2001 Habilitation and authorisation to teach philosophy in Freiburg with the habilitation thesis „Affektenlehre und Phänomenologie der Stimmungen. Wege einer Ontologie und Ethik des Emotionalen“
- 2001-2008 temporary professorship representation, research fellowships and visiting professorships in Freiburg, Eichstätt, Lüneburg, Bologna, among others
- co-editor of the Martin-Heidegger-Gesamtausgabe
- co-editor of the international journal Heidegger Studies
Focuses in research and teaching
- Ontology, metaphysics (main fields: Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas, Descartes, Leibniz) and critique of metaphysics (Kant, Nietzsche)
- Hermeneutical phenomenology (Heidegger)
- Philosophy and poetry
- Philosophical foundations of theology
- Philosophical-anthropological foundations of drama and movie theories
- Telefon: +43 512 507-40208
- Telefax: +43 512 507-40299
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