Best Thesis/Paper Awards 2024 and Presentation of a Student Anthology

From left to right: Andreas Strobl (student representative), Lynn Faber (student representative), Moritz Pechstein (prizewinner), Lukas Tschuggnal (prizewinner), Claudia Ploner (prizewinner), Anne Siegetsleitner (head of the department), Kilian Walch (prizewinner)

On June 20th, the Philosophy/LA Ethics student representatives and the Department of Philosophy awarded four students with the Best Thesis/Paper Award 2024 for their seminar papers or theses as one of the numerous buddy/mentoring activities.
This year, the competition was once again organized and initiated by the student representatives. The awards were given to seminar papers or theses selected by a jury of lecturers and students. This year's winners are: Claudia Ploner, Lukas Tschuggnal, Kilian Walch and Moritz Pechstein.
The ceremony was hosted by student representatives Lynn Faber and Andreas Strobl. After a welcoming address by Professor Anne Siegetsleitner, head of the department, the prizewinners presented their thematically and stylistically diverse works. The evening was ended with a presentation of a student anthology on the philosophy of love by Anne Siegetsleitner and student assistants of the department. 

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