News & Events

Here you will find news about the Institute of Sociology and current events.

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Stel­le­naus­schrei­bun­gen ISF-Mün­chen

Das ISF-München sucht Unterstützung! (Doktorand*in, Sozialwissenschaftler*in)

31.01.2025 FZ For­schungs­werk­statt

09:30-13:15 Diskussion laufender Forschung

Sozio­lo­gie im Beruf

Soziologie im Beruf Freitag 10.01.2025, um 18:30 Uhr im Hörsaal 3, SOWI


Call for Abstacts „Selbstständige Arbeit in Pflege und Betreuung“

16.01.25 Eman­zi­pa­tion hete­ro­ge­ner Dif­fe­ren­zie­rungs­ach­sen - Joa­chim Fischer

Überlegungen zu einer realistischen Theorie der Moderne

Donnerstag 16.01.25, 18:00 - 19:30 Uhr, Ágnes-Heller-Haus, Innrain 52a, Seminarraum 11

Inter­na­ti­o­na­ler Work­shop zu Wer­ten im Ernäh­rungs­sys­tem: Mehr als nur öko­no­mi­sche Aspekte

Internationaler Workshop zu Werten im Ernährungssystem: Mehr als nur ökonomische Aspekte

Sum­mer School 2024 Entan­gle­ment of far­ming and tou­rism 18.-22.9.2024

Summer School 2024 Entanglement of farming and tourism 18.-22.9.2024

Gast­vor­trag von Herrn Pro­fes­sor Chris­tian Kar­ner

„Die Ontologie des Sozialen und die Relevanz deutschsprachiger Klassiker der Soziologie für eine krisenbelastete wissenschaftliche Disziplin im 21. Jahrhundert“ 

LeTs Care

Europäisches Forschungsprojekt zur Altenpflege/Langzeitpflege

Neue Web­site

Das Institut für Soziologie hat mit Mai 2024 eine neue Website bekommen.

Research opportunity at the Weltacker Innsbruck

14.5.2024: EPoS Talk with Günther Mey: discussion and film screening on Martha Muchow

28.3.2024: ORF interview with Katharina Mojescik

ESRS Summer School 2024 - extended Call for participation

Foundation of a new research group: "Work.Care.Sociology" (headed by Assoc. Prof. Dr Bernhard Weicht and Univ. Prof. Dr Jessica Pflüger)

29.4.2024 Monday Lecture: "First comes the food, then the morals!", Greenhouse 7:00 pm

ESRS Summer School 2024 - extended Call

17.05.2024 Theatre and society. Sociology goes regional theatre

Foucault: 40 Years After - International Conference - 21-22 June 2024

Adorno's Sociology - International Conference - 04-06 July 2024

Call for participation: ESRS Summer School 2024: Entanglement of mountain farming and tourism

Call for Contributions (till 31.3.2024): Workshop on Values in Agrifood Studies - october 2024
30.01.2024 EPoS Talk Youth in Afghanistan - Qualitative research in times of war

13.11.2023 - Structure, crisis and event - Frédéric Vandenberghe

30.10.2023 Why Bhaskar? - Frédéric Vandenberghe (Rio de Janeiro)

from 15 November 2023: John O'Neill: Incoming BritINN Fellow

The Department of Sociology is delighted to welcome a guest in the winter semester 2023/24: John O'Neill, Professor of Political Economy at the University of Manchester, will be at the University of Innsbruck for a fortnight as a BritInn Fellow. In addition to a research collaboration with Assoc. Prof. Dr Silvia Rief on "Neurath, Polanyi, Planning and Ecology", several guest lectures on this topic are planned.

16.10.2023: The Monday Lecture in Greenhouse

10.11.2023 Sociology at work

07.08.2023 Research paper by Rike Stotten and Paul Froning: "Local, organic, participatory - A territorial development approach in Valposchiavo"
ÖGS Congress in Vienna 2023

Tutors wanted for the coming winter semester 2023 and summer semester 2024
22.06.2023 Why Lacan? - Tove Soiland (Zurich)

15.06.2023 Why Benjamin? - Stefan Gandler (Querétaro, MX)

01.06.2023 Why Said? - Conor McCarthy (Maynooth, IRL)

24.05.2023 Understanding Contemporary Trends in Global Music - Sumangala Damodaran (New Delhi)

25/05/2023 Why Fei Xiaotong? - Feiyu Sun (Beijing)

11.05.2023 Why Gramsci? - Gundula Ludwig (Innsbruck)

04.05.2023 "Why Butler?" - Paula-Irene Villa Braslavsky (Munich)

17.04.2023 Two PhD positions at the Institute of Sociology, University of Innsbruck, funded for 3 years

24.05.2023 Job advertisement - University assistant - career position box number POSO-13340

24.05.2023 Job advertisement - University assistant - career position box number POSO-13339

Call for Master's theses - "Alternative food networks in rural areas of Switzerland"

#SoziologieInBetrieb - Information on teaching and the institute during the Covid measures

New BA Sociology curriculum from winter semester 2021/22

50 years of the Institute of Sociology

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