The teaching portfolio of DiSC is available to all students of the University of Innsbruck. We offer the Minor Digital Science and are involved in other teaching-related initiatives.
The Minor Digital Science is a bundle of courses designed to provide a solid foundation of digitalization.

Successively, our teaching portfolio will be enlarged and adjusted to optimally extend students’ skill sets.
Similar programs
Besides our teaching offer, there are other programs related to digitalization, for example:
- The Supplementary Program Computer Science provides a rigorous education in the fundamentals of computer science to non-majors (60 ECTS credits).
- The Doctoral College Computational Interdisciplinary Modelling provides research-guided training in computational modeling utilizing high-performance computing.
- The Doctoral College #OrganizingtheDigital is a PhD training program that takes a multi-method and inter-disciplinary approach to studying digital relations, digital publics, and digital societies.
- The Data Science continuous-education course (ULG) is aimed at professionals who are interested in analytic questions and want to become data handling experts (90 ECTS credits).
- Within the AURORA Network it is possible to take internal courses from our university and external courses from partner universities. Many courses are interdisciplinary and related to digitalization, selected DiSC courses are also offered within AURORA.