About DK CIM
The DK CIM has been successfully established as a collaborative education and research framework on scientific computing, with a focus on a substantiated research-guided training, as well as on high-profile research. The DK CIM is based on the combined strength of a group of scientists, which has been working together for more than nine years. The strong interdisciplinary orientation of the DK CIM provides a perfect environment for scientific exchange between the faculty members and the Ph.D. students of the DK CIM to further enhance collaborations between various research fields, as well as the connection between research and teaching.
Top science
The increasing demands on mathematical modelling and high performance computing (HPC) in all areas of natural and engineering sciences require new solution strategies. Classical research is based on two main pillars: theory and experiment. Scientific computing has become the third main foundation. This is due to the fact that in many areas simulations have significant advantages over classical experiments, as they are often cheaper and allow probing inaccessible scales. Moreover, theory sometimes is limited. Simulations provide the only option to significantly improve insight into a problem or simply save tremendous amounts of financial resources. However, in order to benefit from all the advantages of simulations and to make proper use of the virtual laboratory it is essential to acquire knowledge in the efficient development of models, numerics, parallel programming, data analysis and visualisation. It is the aim of this doctoral programme to educate tomorrows researches in this particular field.
Career perspectives
The students of the DK CIM enormously profit from the interdisciplinary approach of the doctoral programme. They reach a high level not only in terms of practical and theoretical skills, but also in conceptual reasoning with insights into multiple subjects. The students acquire an interdisciplinary awareness of related research fields and learn to communicate with professionals from various areas of research. This allows them to contribute to a wide range of technical and scientific applications and teaches them how to approach new problems in an unsurpassed manner. As a result, the students are highly sought after, in science as well as in industry, both on a national and international level.
Careers in industry at software companies, the European centre for weather forecast, computing centres of banks, enterprises for engineering construction, technology-oriented consulting and engineering firms, and patent offices await them. Several students have obtained scientific positions at Max-Planck-Institutes (Germany), the National Research Center Los Alamos (USA), and universities in Austria, Sweden, Germany, Portugal, Italy, Spain, both in physics and computer science departments.