Scientific Advisory Board
The scientific advisory board (SAB) consists of four internationally recognized experts in the field of the focal themes of the innsbruck doctoral kollege. It reflects strong international character and gender equality. The experts are nominated by the steering committee. The SAB has an advisory function with the aim to assure the scientific and educational quality of the program.
Members of the scientific advisory board are asked to monitor the scientific and educational performance of the DK. They are invited to general assembly meetings and events of the DK once a year. Their advice will be used by the speaker and the steering committee to improve the operation of the DK.
Members of the SAB
Univ.Prof. Dr. Christoph Dellago
University of Vienna, Faculty of Physics
Prof. Dr. Marlis Hochbruck
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute for Applied and Numerical Analysis
Prof. Dr. Dieter Kranzlmüller
Ludwig-Maximilans-Univerity of Munic (LMU), Institute of Computer Science