Name | Period in DK-cim | New Affiliation |
Matthias Göbel | 2019-2024 | |
Pranab Deka | 2021-2024 | |
Hoang Trung Hau | 2022-2024 | |
Ji Lun | 2022-2024 | |
Hetal Dabhi | 2015-2024 | |
Saroush Dabiri | 2019-2023 | |
Daniel Obmann | 2029-2023 | |
Jose Romero | 2019-2023 | |
Konstantinos Tsalouchidis | 2018-2023 | |
Johannes Kraml | 2017-2022 | BioNTech SE München |
Ursula Kahler | 2017-2022 | Innophore GmbH Graz |
Mohammad Kakavand Azadi | 2016-2020 | Aalto University of Finnland |
Mirko Residori | 2017-2021 | University of Dresden |
Stefan Antholzer | 2018-2021 | University of Innsbruck, Mathematik |
Andrea Brugger, Dipl.-Ing., Dr. | 2018-2021 | University of Innsbruck, Strength of Materials and Structural Analysis Section |
Marcel Ritter, Dipl.-Ing., BSc, PhD | 2011-2021 | University of Innsbruck, Department of Computer Sciences |
Johannes Schwab, BSc MSc PhD | 2017-2021 | Cambridge Biomedical Campus, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology |
Jelena Karakasevic, PhD | 2012-2020 | MoveIT Software GmbH |
Lei Chen, BSc MSc PhD | 2016-2020 | ITER |
Brigitta Goger, BSc MSc PhD | 2014-2019 | University of Innsbruck, Department of Atmospheric and Cryospheric Sciences |
Ivan Grasso, MSc Phd | 2010-2017 | Wikitude |
Vincent De Groof, MSc PhD | 2011-2015 | Hilti Group |
Philipp Gschwandtner, MSc PhD | 2010-2017 | University of Innsbruck, Research Center High Performance Computing |
Mag. Markus Haider, PhD | 2010-2013 | Steinhauser & Haider Technology Consulting OG |
Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Hell, PhD | 2011-2014 | University of Innsbruck, Department of Mathematics, Numerical Analysis Group |
Mag. Ulrich Hofer, PhD | 2016-2019 | iLF Consulting Engineers |
Mag. Harald Höller, PhD | 2010-2013 | IMS Nanofabrication AG |
Mag. Stefan Huber, PhD | 2010-2014 | University of Innsbruck, Institute of Ion Physics and Applied Physics, Computational Molecular Physics |
Lars Hunger, MSc PhD | 2011-2018 | University of Freiburg, Bernstein Center Freiburg |
Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Kaiser, PhD | 2011-2014 | University of Innsbruck, Institute of Ion Physics and Applied Physics |
Klaus Kofler, MSc PhD | 2011-2017 | ESR Labs |
Antti Koskela, MSc PhD | 2010-2014 | University of Helsinki, Department of Mathematics and Statistics |
Vu Thai Luan, MSc PhD | 2010-2014 | Southern Methodist University, Department of Mathematics |
Xin Ma, MSc PhD | 2010-2015 | CPU Informatik GmbH |
Dipl.-Ing. Lukas Moschen PhD | 2011-2016 | University of Innsbruck, Institute of Basic Science in Engineering Science, Unit of Applied Mechanics |
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Matthias Neuner | 2015-2018 | University of Innsbruck, Institute of Basic Science in Engineering Science, Unit of Strength of Materials and Structural Analysis |
Silvia Öttl, MSc PhD | 2011-2014 | University of Innsbruck, Institute of Basic Science in Engineering Science, Unit of Energy Efficient Building |
Chiara Piazzola, BSc MSc PhD | 2016-2019 | University of Innsbruck, Department of Mathematics |
Martina Prugger, MSc PhD | 2014-2017 | Vanderbilt University, Lozep Lab |
Simon Rabanser, MSc PhD | 2015-2015 | |
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Patrik Raudaschl, Bakk. | 2015-2017 | UMIT, Biomedical Computer Science and Mechatronics |
Klaus Reitberger, MSc PhD | 2011-2014 | International School Kufstein Tirol |
Dipl.-Ing. Michael Sandbichler, MSc PhD | 2014-2018 | BE Semiconductor Industries N.V. |
Michael Schauperl, MSc PhD | 2014-2017 | UC San Diego, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science |
Dr. Maximilian Schmitter | 2014-2018 | Technische Universität Hamburg, Institute of Continuum and Materials Mechanics |
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Magdalena Schreter, BSc | 2015-2018 | University of Innsbruck, Institute of Basic Sciences in Engineering Sciences, Unit of Strength of Materials and Structural Analysis |
Dipl.-Ing. Martin Schwarz, PhD | 2014-2019 | University of Innsbruck, Institute of Basic Sciences in Engineering Sciences, Unit of Engineering Mathematics |
Dominik Steinhauser, MSc PhD | 2010-2016 | Steinhauser & Haider Technology Consulting OG |
Dipl.-Ing. Stella Tsantaki, PhD | 2010-2014 | University of Innsbruck, Institute of Basic Sciences in Engineering Sciences, Unit of Applied Mechanics |
Dipl.-Ing. David Unteregger, PhD | 2010-2015 | Brenner Base Tunnel SE - BBT SE |
Michael Werner, MSc PhD | 2011-2015 | |
Dipl.-Phys. Matthias Wiesenberger, PhD | 2011-2015 | Technical University of Denmark, Department of Physics |
Daniel Winkler, MSc PhD | 2014-2018 | MED-EL |
Mag. Lukas Wurzer, PhD | 2010-2015 | LUK GmbH & CoKG |
Mag. Peter Zangerl, PhD | 2015-2020 |