Doctoral Students

Florian Posselt
Graduated as: MA Ancient History and Ancient Near Eastern Studies (Innsbruck)
Dissertation topic: "Die Entstehung der Erdteile / The origin of continents"

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Valentina Cambruzzi
Graduated as: MA Classical Languages and Literatures and Ancient History (Padova)
Dissertation topic: "Seleukid royal identity and representation: literary and archaeological evidence in a glocal perspective"

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Alejandro Boucabeille
Graduated as: Mag. History (Innsbruck), BA Political Sciences (Innsbruck), MA Travel Journalism (Barcelona) und MA Europe-Studies (Bruges)
Dissertation topic: "Global History und Migration – die 2 Millionen Jahre Wanderschaft des Homo Migrans / Global History and Migration - 2 million years of peregrination of the Homo migrans"

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Cassandra Lamche
Graduated as: MA History (Munich)
Dissertation topic: "Classical Tudors. A History of Objects pertaining to the Antiquity"

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Noah Kröll
Graduated as: MA Ancient History and Ancient Near Eastern Studies (Innsbruck)
Dissertation topic: "Studien zur sumerischen Kultlyrik und ihrem Sitz im Leben in seleukidisch-parthischer Zeit / Studies on sumerian cultic poetry and its Sitz im Leben in Seleucid-Parthian time"

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Elisabeth Pangerl
Graduated as: MA History (Munich)
Dissertation topic: "Herrschaftslegitimation und Krise im spätmittelalterlichen Frankreich / Royal legitimation and crisis in late medieval France

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Clemens Steinwender
Graduated as: BA History (Innsbruck) and MA Ancient History and Ancient Near Eastern Studies (Innsbruck)
Dissertation topic: "At the boundary of empires. Sasanian Imperial borderlands, their networks and the emergence of new power structures"

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Alexander Steiner
Graduated as: MA Ancient History and Ancient Near Eastern Studies (Innsbruck)
Dissertation topic: "Concepts of Space in Languages of Near Eastern and Central Asian Antiquity. A Survey of Sumerian, Akkadian, Iranian, and Tocharian Absolute Direction Terms"

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Hendrik Stanway
Graduated as: BA Classics (Freiburg) and MA Ancient History and Ancient Near Eastern History (Innsbruck)
Dissertation topic: "'Welthistorische Siege' und 'wie es gewesen ist'. Die Perserkriege als antik-moderner Kristallisationspunkt und griechisch-persisches Ereignis im 5. Jahrhundert v. Chr. / 'World-historical victories' and 'how it really was'. The Greco-Persian Wars as an antique and modern focal point of greco-persian events in the 5th c. BC."

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Jessika Armbrüster
Graduated as: BA Classica et Orientalia (Innsbruck) and MA Archaeologies (Innsbruck)
Dissertation topic: "Vom Compound zum Peristyl: Entwicklungsprozesse ländlicher Siedlungen des 4. bis 2. Jh. v. Chr. im mediterranen Raum / From Compound to Peristyl: Developmental processes in rural settlements from the 4th until the 2nd c. BC in the mediterranean"

Innsbrucker Forschungen am Monte Iato

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Daniel Kiechl
Graduated as: Mag. Classical Archaelogy (Innsbruck) and Mag. Ancient History (Innsbruck)
Dissertation topic: "Die rechtsgeschichtliche und literarische Dimension der Tötung in Herodots Historien / The literary dimension and the dimension of legal history of the killings in Herodotus' Histories

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Felix Schulz
Graduated as: MA Medieval History (LMU München), Staatsexamen for secondary education in History, French and Social Studies (LMU MÜnchen)
Dissertation topic: "Fürstinnenbriefe in Frankreich. Die politische Korrespondenz der Wittelsbacherinnen Isabelle, Margarethe und Jakobäa von Bayern (1385-1346) / Letters of princely women in France. The political correspondence of the Wittelsbach princesses Isabelle, Margaret and Jaqueline of Bavaria"

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Andrea Pancheri
Graduated as: MA History (Innsbruck)
Dissertation topic: "Wirtschaftliche Strukturen im Sasanidenreich (224–579 n. Chr.) / Economic structures in the Sasanian Empire (224-579 AD)"

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Sina Kazemirashid
Graduated as: Master of Science in Landscape Heritage (Milano)
Dissertation topic: "Perception of Space and The Organization of Architecture, Landscape and Urbanism in the Iranian World from 312 BCE to 224 CE"

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Jehan Hillen
Graduated as: Research Master – Historical, Literary, and Cultural Studies (HLCS)
Dissertation topic: "The transformations of imperial imagery in the period 306-711 AD"

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Raphael Szeider
Graduated as: Masterstudium Geschichtswissenschaft mit Schwerpunkt Alte Geschichte / Masterstudium Klassische Archäologie an der Eberhard-Karls-Universität, Tübingen
Dissertation topic: "Hadrianus.Augustus – Legitimation und Vergangenheits(re)konstruktionen Hadrians (Arbeitstitel)"

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Amelie Jochmus
Graduated as: BA Archaeologies (Innsbruck) and MA Archaeologies (Innsbruck)
Dissertation topic: “Unteritalisch-sizilisch rotfigurige Keramik zwischen Karthago und Syrakus im zweigeteilten Sizilien des späten 5., 4. und 3. Jahrhunderts v. Chr.” (working title)

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Paulina Kaczmarczyk
Graduated as: BA and MA at the University of Wrocław
Dissertation topic:  "Rewriting the Past: Unveiling the Christianised History of the Eastern Mediterranean and the Near East in Late Antiquity. A Historical Commentary to John Malalas’ Chronographia V 39-VI 19, VII 15-VIII 33"

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