Conference doctoral program 'Antike Kulturen des Mittelmeerraums' (AKMe) 02.-03.02.2023

From February 2nd to 3rd a conference of the doctoral program Ancient Mediterranean Cultures (AKMe) took place. With large participation from Innsbruck, the dissertation projects of doctoral candidates from the Universities of Innsbruck, Graz and Salzburg were presented. The lecturers were accompanied by the faculty member Univ. - Prof. Dr. Roland Steinacher. From the doctoral program "Entangled Antiquities" Valentina Cambruzzi, Florian Posselt, Alexander Steiner and Clemens Steinwender participated in the conference. Anton Ager and Bernadette Bauer, both researchers at the Department of Ancient History and Ancient Near Eastern Studies, also presented their dissertations.

Valentina Cambruzzi: Seleukid royal identity and representation: literary and archaeological evidence in a glocal perspective

Florian Posselt: Thomas Hyde (1636–1703) und die Phönizier als Impulsgeber früher griechischer Weltvorstellungen

Alexander Steiner: From dawn till dusk. A study on cardinal direction terms in iranian texts and their background

Clemens Steinwender: At the boundary of empires. Sasanian imperial borderlands, their networks and the emergence of new power structures

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