
Here you can find everything about the systems, platforms and tools that are available for online teaching at the University of Innsbruck. Step-by-step instructions help you to find the perfect tool to reach your individual goals when teaching.

Screenshot OpenOlat

Lear­ning manage­ment sys­tem OpenOlat

To accompany lectures held in the various classrooms and lecture halls, OpenOlat is in use as a tool that offers a virtual space for providing learning content and organizing learning activities.

Audio/video production


There are various methods for producing audio/video content. Here you can get the latest information about what the University of Innsbruck has on offer for creating videos.


Audio/video trans­fer

Get to know more about the options for how to hold video and webconferences or how to transfer your lecture live (Streaming).

Illustration dreier Klassenräume nebeneinander


This web-based voting system provides a noticeable increase in the interactions between lecturers and students.

fragt.jeztz Logo


Get feedback and questions even while the lecture is still on-going!

Screenshot Opencast


Opencast is your access point for recordings created in the lecture hall, with Opencast Studio and with BigBlueButton. The video management software can be reached via

R/exams Logo


This is in use for the creation of different exam formats with a (big) number of random task variations.

Safe Exams Logo

Safe Exam Browser

The Safe Exam Browser (SEB) is a secure browser application that can transform computers into a temporarily secure work station for OpenOlat exams.

Pencil filling a form


For conducting pen & paper mass exams (scanner exams).

For exams that are created with software, printed out on paper and evaluated digitally.

Logo Turnitin

Simi­la­rity by Tur­ni­tin

The plagiarism & similarity check tool "Similarity" by Turnitin checks works for text similarities, with sources from the internet and licensed journals.

Kisten mit OER-Etikett


The OER-Repository is a platform for publishing open educational resources (OER) that have been created at the University of Innsbruck. It is also a search environment for these OER that can be downloaded, adapted to different contexts and (re-)used in lectures.

Der Kellner bringt einen Schriftsatz und einen Kaffee

Open Cour­ses

Open Courses are freely available online courses. Which system the University of Innsbruck employs for such freely accessible courses and how you can create an Open Course you can find here.

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