10-040 Renaming a Course
In OpenOlat, you can rename a course. This, however, is only possible for autonomous courses. VIS:online-synchronized courses can NOT be renamed.
If you want to change the course title of an autonomous course, you will need to change it in two steps: in the Course editor and on the Course info page.
Important Steps
- Go to Authoring in the main menu and choose the relevant course in the My entries tab. The course opens.
- Select Administration in the upper left-hand corner of your course and go to the Course editor. The Course editor opens up.
- Choose the primary course element, holding the title of your course.
- Rename the course in the Title and description tab - both the Short title and the Title and Save your changes.
- Click on the red X in the upper right-hand corner of the Course editor in order to close it. Choose the option Yes, automatically to publish your changes (for details about publishing of contents see HelpCard 10-020). The changes have now been published and will be applied to the course view. However, the changes have not yet been applied to the Course info page.
- To apply the changes to the Course info, go into Administration and select Settings.
- Change the title of the learning resource in the Info tab.
- Save your changes at the bottom of the page. The new title of your course has now been applied everywhere.