10-080 Publication Status


The Publication Status provides you with an additional tool to configure access to your course (or another learning resource). Your course (or learning resource) can have the following status:

  • Preparation: Only owners of the course can access the course. Members cannot view a course in this status. A course in Preparation does also NOT appear in the course listings of the users.
  • Published: The course (or learning resource) is open for Users according to the access settings and appears in the course listings. All members of the learning resource can access it.
  • Finished: All members can access the course and its contents. All course elements including tests will be in read-only mode and cannot be edited anymore.

Important settings

  • If you go to the Authoring section, and choose the My entries tab (potentially also the Favourites tab), you will find the Publication Status of the course.
  • Once a course is created, it is automatically set to Published.
  • If any other learning resource (test, video, etc.) is created, the status is automatically set to Preparation.
  • Please note: If you embed a learning resource in Preparation status in a course element, belonging to another course that's on Published, the learning resource will be visible and accessible.
  • Sharing a learning resource and the Publication Status: As long as a course is set to Preparation, the configured access and booking configurations (Private, Bookable and Open) do not apply yet. They will not apply before the learning resource has been set to Published or Finished. For more information about access and booking configurations see HelpCard 10-070.

Changing the Publication Status

  1. Open your course in Authoring.
  2. The Publication Status is to the right of the Administration button at the top of the interface. You can select the course status you want in the dropdown menu.
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