30-210 Selection

What you need to know

The course element Selection is only available in learning path courses.

The course element Selection groups several additional course elements together, similar to the course element Structure. Course owners can use it to provide participants with a certain number of course elements to choose from. Participants can then individually determine which course elements should be integrated into their learning path and displayed in the course menu.

What you need to do

  1. In your course, click on Administration and then on Course editor. The course editor opens.
  2. Click on Insert course elements, in the section Other, click on Selection. The module has now been created in the course structure and can be moved (later if required) using drag & drop. Alternatively, you can use the Quick-Add function in the yellow menu bar to enter the name of the desired module and insert it into your course by pressing the Enter key.
  3. In the Title and description tab, enter the Title that should be displayed in the course structure on the left. Click on Insert additional information to enter additional learning objectives, instructions or notes for supervisors. You can also Set link to this course element in order to refer to the course element from outside or within the course by clicking on the text highlighted in blue and copying the existing link. Save your entries.
  4. You can change the layout of course elements in the Layout tab. You can add different background images to individual course elements or change the text colour. You can find out how to do this at HelpCard 10-033.

  5. In the Learning path tab, you can regulate visibility and access if required: You can find out how to do this at HelpCard 10-031. The settings in this tab affect the course elements that are grouped in the course element selection.

  6. Click on the Configuration tab and specify how many of the grouped course elements must be selected by the participants.

  7. Drag and drop the desired course elements into the course element Selection or create them first.

  8. Click on the red X at the top right to close the course editor. To publish the change, select the option Yes, automatically (for details on publishing, see HelpCard 10-020). All changes have now been applied in the course structure that opens.
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