40-062 Exam Chat


It is possible to send messages to the participants during the examination or to receive their messages. 

You can configure this option in the Course editor in the module Test in the tab Communication. You can send, read and edit messages directly in the module or in the assessment tool.

Important Steps

  1. Click on Authoring and select the course to be edited under My entries. The course opens.
  2. In your course, click on Administration in the top left corner and then on Course Editor. The course editor opens.
  3. In the course structure on the left, click on the course element in which the test will take place.
  4. Select the tab Communication
    • You can Allow requests from participants. This enables students to send you or other Coaches a message during the test, directly in the test.
    • Under Enable global notification for you can set whether only Owner and/or Coach should be able to chat.
  5. Click on the red X in the top right-hand corner to close the course editor. To publish the change, select the option Yes, automatically (for details on publishing, see HelpCard 10-020). In the course view that opens, all changes have now been applied.

In the course element Test you will see an overview of all messages in the tab Communication as well as the Supervisor chat. Under Message to all participants you will see an overview of all published, planned and expired messages. You can also write a message.

To send a message, proceed as follows:

  1. Click on Authoring and select the course to be edited under My entries. The course opens.
  2. Click on the course element in which the test takes place.
  3. Switch to the Communication tab.
  4. Click on Create New Message on the right. A pop-up window opens.
  5. Enter your message here.
  6. Under Publication you have two options:
    • Immediately until the end of the day: The message will be sent immediately to all participants and displayed there above the question.
    • Individual schedule: Set here from when and until when the message should be visible.
  7. Click on Save to send the message. The pop-up window closes. You will now see the message in the overview.

Sent messages have a green rectangle with the status Published, messages saved for later have a yellow rectangle with the status Scheduled. You have the option of sorting the messages in the various tabs.

All: all messages sorted by creation date
Planned: all planned messages
Published: all messages published up to this point
Expired: all messages that were published but are no longer visible.

You also have the option to edit or withdraw messages:

  1. Click on the three-dot menu to the right of the message.
  2. Click on Edit to edit the message. Please note that a message that has already been sent cannot be edited.
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