40-080 Generate handwritten exams


If you want to export your online tests from OpenOlat as handwritten exams, you can do this directly in the test learning resource. In the settings, you can select different parameters and also generate a cover sheet. The configurations Random order of questions or sections and Number of questions in this section are taken into account when creating the handwritten exams.

Important Steps

  1. First open the test for which you want to generate a handwritten exam in the Authoring under My entries.
  2. Click on Administration in the upper left corner and then on Export handwritten exams. The Test Export Wizard opens.
  3. You can now define the parameters for the test:
    • Number of tests 
    • Output language of export (system languages)
    • Prefix: Here you can enter a prefix
    • Covers: First sheet and/or Additional sheet
    • Then click on Next.
  4. Under Cover Attributes you can select the fields and parameters to be displayed and printed on the cover sheet. Then click on Next.
  5. Under Cover Fields you can define or overwrite the contents of the cover sheet.
  6. If you have selected the Additional sheet, you can fill it with information relevant to the examination. Then click on Next.
  7. In the summary, you can check the settings you have made.
  8. At the bottom right, you have the option of displaying a preview or a preview with solutions.
  9. Finally, click on Finish. The download itself may take a few minutes. A zip file will then be downloaded containing two folders. Here you will find the test sheets with and without solutions.
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