

The Artemis LTI 1.3 tool integration provides the option of integrating exercises from your courses on the Artemis Platform into course elements in OpenOlat. This provides seamless access to the Artemis exercise material in your OpenOlat course.

Please note: Only users with an Artemis Creator Account can integrate Artemis courses in OpenOlat courses.

Courses from Artemis integrated in OpenOlat as LTI 1.3 Tools are using specific preset system wide LTI 1.3 Tool settings, and need to be configured as described below.

Important steps

  1. Follow the steps in the HelpCard 34-020.
  2. In a second browser window, log into using your UIBK account on EduID.
    1. Select the course you want to integrate.
    2. In the top right corner, click Manage. A new interface opens.
    3. In the Course Details, click LTI Configuration. A new interface opens.
    4. Click on the tab Exercises.
    5. Copy the LTI 1.3 Launch URL from the exercise you want to integrate.
  3. Return to OpenOlat and enter the following settings for the Page content:
    • LTI Version: Choose Artemis in the drop down menu.
    • URL: Paste the LTI 1.3 Launch URL from the Artemis browser window.
    • Enable Skip launch page, Transmit firstname/name and Transmit e-mail address.
    • Leave the OpenOlat roles to the default settings.
    • If a Display option is shown, choose Open in new window.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click the red X in the upper right corner to close the course editor. To publish the change, select Yes, automatically (for details on publishing, see HelpCard 10-020). In the course view that opens, all changes have now been applied.
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