

Integrating courses from the iMooX platform in your OpenOlat course as a LTI 1.3 integration can provide seamless access to the freely accessible exercise material.

Courses from iMooX integrated in OpenOlat as LTI 1.3 tools are using specific preset system wide LTI 1.3 tool settings, and are configured as described below.

Please note: all users (including students) of the LTI 1.3 Integration must have an active iMooX account. The iMooX account is automatically activated the first time a login is done into over eduID.

Important steps

An LTI 1.3 Custom ID is needed to integrate an iMooX course in OpenOlat. Log into using your UIBK account on eduID and select the courses that you want to integrate in OpenOlat. Sign up for them and send an enquiry to or +43 316 873 8577, asking for the LTI 1.3 Custom ID of the course(s). Once you have the LTI 1.3 Custom ID, please follow the instructions below.


  1. Follow the steps in the HelpCard 34-020.
  2. Enter the following settings for the Page content:
    • LTI Version: Choose iMooX in the drop down menu.
    • If a Display option is shown, choose Open in new window.
    • Leave all other settings as the default ones.
    • In Additional attributes write id in the first box after custom_.
    • Select Text in the following drop down menu, and paste the specific value of Course ID you received from iMooX support into the last box.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Click the red X in the upper right corner to close the course editor. To publish the change, select Yes, automatically (for details on publishing, see HelpCard 10-020). In the course view that opens, all changes have now been applied.
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