General information
The Repository for Open Educational Resources (OER) at the University of Innsbruck is a university-wide digital asset management system for the publication of digital teaching materials under a free licence.
The repository is both a platform for the publication of OER created at the University of Innsbruck and a search environment for OER that can be downloaded, customised and reused in courses.
The digital free educational materials archived in the repository are given permanent identifiers (DOI), are provided with structured metadata and can be found by search engines.
To publish OER in the repository, access must be requested via Mail to oer@uibk.ac.at.
By using the repository, you agree to the Terms of use. (German)
When uploading OER to the repository of the University of Innsbruck, please note the following Publication guidelines. (German)

Publishing a new version of your material
How to publish a new version of your publication and how to update metadata